So an Mousefolk enter the Bar, She DUCK!

Posted Nov 25, 2023, 4:47:56 PM UTC

The between realm is an mix mash of alternative version of reality of all time, so it was not weird that Bleu end up walking into an Old West Saloon. Keeping her hat down, it no wonder she getting void eyes at her direction as she make her way to the bar. A bard as if from an fantasy like tale seem friendly enough to help her up, asking her if she was Bleu. Surprise, Bleu ask him how he know her as the void Bard chuckle.
"So little time and much was known, Some say you have the Devil Luck, let me order you an drink and perhapes it you are in the mood, we can do an song?"

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Bleu Theta PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd2183
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