Bleu body mended but her spirit need time to heal

Posted Nov 21, 2023, 7:19:39 PM UTC

When Bleu come too, she was in the cave with gree fire boiling an cauldron...before her an void creature who one of it head turn and note she is awake...she sit up a bit only to notice her darker half grinning at her. Scared, the void creature talk her down and inform her that it cure her of her void sickness but can not ride her of her fear and doubt or rather, her darker half...that is something she must lived with. Bleu has to think heavy on this but then the void given her some med which tasted aweful but she feel remarkably better! Mending the clothing and an bag with more new clothing made of the silk of the creature in these careful little one...

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Bleu Theta PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd2183
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