Personified Fear - Character Development

Posted Nov 10, 2023, 12:32:24 AM UTC

Waking from a nightmare feels like a relief. A calm feeling follows when safety is assured, but what about when that safety feels so far away? When you feel trapped and unable to escape with no guarenteed for your future? The waking person finds relief, but the person living a nightmare knows only fear.


Penny is a thief, so it would be completely understandable if this was mistaken for a fear of getting caught, which it is and is not. Penny's fear is not that she'll be arrested; it's that she'll be trapped. That her entire life will be ripped away from her, that she'll be a passive viewer in her own story, that she'll be bound down and know that she will never be free. Having a life but not being able to live it is her worst fear. (Getting arrested is not a bad fear but it is certainly there.)

Oh, and putting a warm colored character under cold lighting was NOT my best decision. I was trying to keep with a scientific way of lighting but failed completely.

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