Unexpected Analysis

Posted Sep 6, 2023, 3:43:56 PM UTC

Prompt #3 - The Constructs
Sain has bumbled his way into finding and using a hot air balloon, but quickly found himself lost in the skies with no guide nor too many supplies. His latent flame ability allowing him to sustain his hot air, he slowly floats his way to what seems to be an entirely robotic ship with a focus hub of drones functioning for various tasks. As Sain floated close, a drone zipped its way over, immediately scanning him, leaving Sain unsure of what to do next. He stares at his own reflection, hoping this doesn't potentially get out of hand as the drone gets slowly closer into staring into the windows of his soul. The first thought that comes to his mind is what he may find if he can land on that airship. The main attraction, however, is plenty of space to practice graffiti and leave his mark... even if the potential threat of falling to his potential doom, the unnerving scenario he currently finds himself in, or the amazing view itself is providing conflicting emotions to the somewhat unprepared Sain.
Worst case scenario? Sain intends to use his (somewhat) new flame blasts to explode his way over to whatever sturdy surface he can land on, whether if its an automaton or a passing person's vehicle.

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Sain PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2477
82 total points
7 approved points



  • Childhood Bully - Giovanni
  • Wandering in Pavia
  • (Flash Battle: Vogue Vampire) Sain's Graffiti
  • (Flash Battle: Vogue Vampire) Sain is Shook
  • The Hot Blooded Friend
  • Unfortunate (Alternate) Reality
  • Retirement?
  • Sudden Eruption
  • Sain's Blackbook


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