New Portrait for Xeph!

Posted Aug 14, 2023, 6:13:32 PM UTC

A drawing I did on stream to replace my current portait. It's Xeph in a redesigned outfit since the current portrait for him is art I made a while ago. I don't have the gold for it yet, but this will be Xeph's new portrait when I can purchase a makeover kit!

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Xeph PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2376
36 total points
5 approved points



  • Brief Rest in Plaisiss - Claxus
  • Magical Girl Claxus
  • Claxus Attempting to Tame a Woarrar
  • Red Dragonborn Hood and The Blue Bad Wolf
  • Xeph's Wheat Field Exploration
  • Xeph's Tura Doraci Participation
  • Xeph Discovering His Latent Element (Fire)
  • Xeph's Medallion (Talisman)


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  • ✅ is visible in art section and tag searches