Hưng's Journal [Talisman]

Posted Aug 4, 2023, 4:18:37 AM UTC

Hưng's talisman is a simple, customizable, and vintage notebook/journal that he carries on his journey. He carries his journal around him for sentimental and personal reasons. He stores his badges on a slip of paper and keeps it inside of his notebook's sleeves. The journal was a gift to him, gifted by a mortal from a thousand years, as a means to vent all of his emotions into his notebook because Hưng was suffering from forgetting things for hundreds of years and mental issues as a Breacher. The journal has been a major help to him to alleviate and vent personal issues when he has no one else to turn to.

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Hưng PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2117
14 total points
7 approved points



  • Hưng's Latent Element


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