Talisman for Sherly.

Posted Jul 7, 2023, 3:17:17 PM UTC

This will be the talisman of Sherly, a Hamanoid-Mushroom who gained sentience two years ago. The talisman is held dear to Sherly and can be found in Sherly's right-handed glove. Although he does hold the talisman dear, it doesn't seem he has any context as to why he has it, whenever you ask him about the piece, he'd always talk about the girl in the picture, which he calls "Eve", Sherly would talk about how he would like to see her sometime and do fun activities but gets stumbled when to describe Eve as if he never actually seen her in person. The Talisman is likely not carried out of love or guilt, but in a sense of thankfulness. Ever since Sherly gained sentience, nobody ever seemed to care for Sherly starting when he woke up in the mineshaft. The only things that he considered to be by him all of his life would be his pickaxe, leather gloves and boots, and his talisman. His talisman was always with him, Eve was always with him.

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