Nezetta's Talisman Amulet

Posted Jul 7, 2023, 6:07:03 AM UTC

Backstory: About 50 years ago, Kelton (a part of the imp/demon species) drifted in a basket upon ocean waves to a town called Navicularius.  Apparently, he did something so out of control (What he did will be revealed in character development when he opens up to Nezetta) that he was sent to another state to prison in his 20s, and was put on death row.  However, the same mysterious lady seen beforehand saved Kelton before death, and put him into a amulet palisman.  She not only wanted Kelton to develop and become a good person, but to also learn self control and increase their power mentally and physically.  However in order to have the faith to let Kelton go out of the amulet, she needed a host.  That is when Nezetta came along, and took care of Kelton as partners for a big adventure!  :D

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Nezetta PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1526
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