Cry - Unseen Tears

Posted Jun 22, 2023, 5:42:21 AM UTC

Hal isn't one to cry often. He's taken his licks fearlessly, fought enemies tirelessly, and walked through dark times without a droplet. 

However, while this may be the case, he's not invincible. Suppression of his true feelings, memories, and external issues can pile up. Without a proper way of venting, Hal leaves himself prone to tears. 

The gentle Mim'ver usually keeps these episodes hidden, even from his loved ones. He wants to keep it that way for their sake.

Only, he doesn't realize the harm it'll continue to do him in the end. 

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Hal Harris PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd982
397 total points
5 approved points



  • Comforting the Trash Monster
  • Blockade - Wouagi Dam
  • Scouring the Swamps - Trash Monster Boss
  • Portal Pandemonium (Prompt 1) Our... Best Selves?
  • Portal Posi (Prompt 2) - Digging for a Snake
  • HALT! (Portal Posi, Prompt 4)
  • Ride Em' (NOT) Cowboy! (Posi Prompt)
  • Portal Pandemonium (Prompt 3) - Posi’s Portal Reanimation Project
  • Herald of Demise - Offense


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