Denk the small

Posted Jun 7, 2023, 2:22:53 AM UTC

Character Name: Denk (no last name)

Character Age: 28

Character Species: Kobold

Hair color: N/A

Eye color: Light blue

Character Biography:

Denk was born in an underground cavern underneath a vast desert. Denk’s tribe was skilled in using shamanistic magic using the power of nature and had much knowledge of herbs, spices, and edible plants that grew in the wild that she used in her passion for cooking.

 but at around the age of 19, her tribe was taken and put into forced labor by a group of orc soldiers working under the unknown yet powerful leader of a dark corrupt empire known as Dorokki, separating her from her tribe and her family. Denk never saw her family again, and she was quickly brought in to have her strengths as a soldier tested, but the orcs quickly found that Denk was too unathletic to be of any good as a soldier. But they did find one skill within her, her cooking. With all the coal, and, iron miners needing to be fed, the orcs needed as many cooks as they could get. Due to her herbalism knowledge, and cooking skill, she served as a fantastic cook, though she often snuck an abundance of food from the pantry while the orcs weren't looking, resulting in her… plus-sized figure. But through sheer luck, one day she managed to escape the camp and began to explore the world looking for her family and finding exotic ingredients along the way. Though she sadly never did find her family, she eventually became a renowned chef, and she gave herself the title “Denk the Small'' thinking it would sound menacing, to prevent anyone else from thinking of messing with her again.


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