Pisco Ref

Posted May 29, 2023, 6:42:25 PM UTC

Pisco's fullbody refrence 


Item being used: Makeover Kit

Character Name: Pisco
What species is your character? Aria (Bird folk)
What is your character's hair color? Dark teal 
What is your character's eye color? Dark grey 

A Royal night who serves under Vonder Vox, The Prism King. He primarily wears his helmet as it normal in the Prism Kingdom to wear helmets of all kind. He was born in the middle to higher class as his species values the more unnatural colors. As the bird he is based upon (Kingfisher) he is used to water. He is currently on a special task to find the king's lost brother.

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Pisco PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1121
12 total points
5 approved points



  • Pisco's talisman


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