Ginger Portrait

Posted May 20, 2023, 6:14:17 PM UTC

Character Name: Ginger 
Character Age: 26 human equivalent 
Character Species: Domestic cat
Hair color: white/orange patches
Eye color: green 


What is your character’s occupation? 
She is an artist, specializing in art inspired by nature and the world around her. She is particularly fond of painting plants and the sky, feeling that every sky is a unique work of art that can never be recreated, although she does her best to come close. Favorite plants include any type of flower and climbing ivy. She crafts her own paper and binds her own sketchbooks, and creates her own pigments from things she finds on her adventures. She typically travels with lots of jars and bags to collect bits and pieces of her surroundings to incorporate in her artwork. Occasionally takes up sculpting when she can find natural clay on her travels. 

Likes: sunset/sunrise, sunny days, flowers, adventure, fruit juice, plant hoppers, clouds, sharing knowledge, her friends/family, foraging, cooking, learning

Dislikes: rainy days, seafood, loud sounds, coffee, physical touch

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Ginger PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1089
112 total points
5 approved points



  • I dunno
  • Ginger's Talisman
  • A Beautiful Life
  • Enough
  • A Poor Fit


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