
Posted Apr 17, 2023, 9:22:29 PM UTC

Kai's talisman is his airship visor. He pretty much wears it everywhere he goes. It has important functions for steering his airship and controlling various features in it. Outside of the airship, he can use it to control some functions of the airship remotely, or to lower the elevator and board it.
It also has other functions not related to his airship, which he can use to take notes. In this case, writing down the ingredients for various cocktails he mixes when he's experimenting at some bar.

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Kai PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1006
478 total points
7 approved points



  • Yaoi Bara Crossover
  • Teeparty Teil 2
  • Erstes Treffen
  • Er will es nicht
  • Jaws
  • Portalteeparty
  • Portalschach
  • Entenflug
  • Brunnendungeon


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