3rd ocl challange propmt

Posted Mar 27, 2023, 2:50:08 AM UTC

So the idea behind this is she's using her elementary abilities to trap him by cracking the  surrounding stone. I hope this works 


Time taken 1hr and 20 minutes 

I think this is the best one I've made yet and it makes me want to mess with more unique ideas for my characters :3

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  • Apr 16, 2023, 4:40:56 PM UTC
    Oh man! Sorry for taking so long to respond - wound up falling ill through the middle of this round which lead to me becoming a li'l inactive here. @-@
    Really adore this piece! Your style is so cute, and I love how you drew Suave in it! Also adore Blue's expression from behind that pillar. XD
    Best of luck in the OCL! Comparing your pieces throughout it, can really see how you've improved over the course of it!





  • Then and now
  • Blue 312 ( prompt 117)
  • Blue : fight
  • Merry christmas
  • Blue : Cinderella
  • crystals
  • Cosplay
  • prompt 57 card
  • blue vs beetles


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