And I'm Bringing Hell with Me

Posted Oct 30, 2022, 4:42:12 AM UTC

The fire was a mockery of the burns each of them sustained. Them. The children who grew up. Them, who were so naive and trusting. Them, who were terminated... a 'failure', by scientific documents. Like a vicious, cruel joke, so easily tossed away for not being perfect. Individuality caused instability and no being with powers beyond their control could be anything but feared. After all, was she not also, fear itself? Fear of loss, fear of death, and yet hell's fire seemed to rain upon her once guardians. Ones she had thought loved her and the others. Others who were now gone. 

It seemed fitting that white-hot fire purge such a mistake. And yet, she was now the judge, jury, and executioner. Every ounce burned like her rage. Her body flamed and yet unscathed, even as her heavy wings dragged on the ground. Useless, like she was dubbed. 

If only she had mercy.

Reyha's element is connected to her rage. Initially helpful, but one that leaves scars on her mind. After all, what is left when the flame dies down other than ashes?

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Reyha PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd428
45 total points
7 approved points



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  • The Creation
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