Kama and Kiri Jam the Ball!

Posted Sep 27, 2022, 3:08:22 PM UTC

Propt 5: While the Vogue Vampire threatens to overshadow the main event, a handful of determined adventurers refuse to let the ball fall flat. Draw or write about your character trying to maintain the spirit of the ball in the face of danger.


The battle was getting fierce as the heros and guard fight the vampire, and the guest are getting nervious. Determine not to let tonight be ruin, Kama grab Kiri and pull her on stage. Kiri was confuse at first but quickly understood what Kama has plan as she stand forth and unlease an musical note to draw the attention of the crowd...Kiri start to sing as Kama draw the energy of pleasure and joy from the crowd of Kiri singing and summon an instruments and start to play...with music behind her, Kiri really start to get into the swing of thing and the two start to rock out the Ball room as the guest forgot for the time there was a battle raging on not far from them...

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Kama Sutra PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd364
134 total points
7 approved points



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