Viiris Donlo

Posted Sep 18, 2022, 3:48:25 PM UTC

Character Name: Viiris Donlo
Character Age: 175 (Physical age: 28+)
Character Height: 175 cm (+/- 5'9 ft)
Character Species: Elf
Hair color: Blond (Green hue)
Eye color: Hazel (green/brown)
Skin color: Beige
Markings: Dark red
Attitude: Depressive, arrogant, stubborn, playful, dutiful, tsundere, ambitious, (caring), (protective), (passive), (cooperative)
Weapon: Long sword and shield



Viiris grew up on an island exclusively for elves with his parents who took care of them, before they decided to move away to live their life as merchants, picking one of the main capitals to get a spot at the markets. Viiris was always helping his mother, a leather worker, while his father went fishing with other fishermen, spending most of his time at the sea.

As a young man, Viiris was always happy, calm and positive, also a little on the shy side. The markets have helped him to become better at interacting and while he wasn't too skilled on the job itself, he would assist his mother all he could.

Once he grew older, they learned that the guards in the city are recruiting to strengthen their forces to fight thievery and bring safety to the people. His mother suggested Viiris who had a strong sense for righteousness to give the job a try, which will help their finances. At first, Viiris hesitated, but his mother continued to encourage him and eventually, he did apply.

As a guard, Viiris was well respected and earned himself a good reputation by picking up the thieves off the street, especially around the markets to stabilize the merchants' business. Provided aid to the ill and lost and made his way into the heart of the citizens. But that wasn't where it ended, being a guard, also meant being exposed to crime and various types of danger.

Viiris grew into a man who was skilled with managing situations that involved multiple citizens, making them cooperate rather efficiently, but that wasn't always the case. Many of these situations escalated, despite his efforts, and ended up in the most horrifying scenes. The sight and events have tainted Viiris' beliefs in the people, and it began to show in his characteristics that developed over time. He stopped smiling, grew tired, but stuck to the job.

The guard captain was so impressed by his abilities that they assigned him to interrogate lawbreakers. Not just thieves that stole bread, no, they are accused of the worst of crimes and refuse to speak of them, without some forced assistance. His attitude grew darker and darker, he became angry with the reports he read through, of all the crimes they have committed.

The elf had to deal with true evil, tied to the spot, often proud of their work. The average criminal would think of their doings as art, fantasizing about their next victims. It was sickening the blond, and he eventually lost his ability to keep his calm and controlled posture.

He often felt the right to bring justice to the victims and took it out on the lawbreakers to "return the favor", causing some of them to barely be able to leave through the door without his application of healing. He'd heal away each wound to maintain his reputation.

But his reputation didn't last long until the rumors escaped the accused victims who'd be released by the lack of evidence of their crime. The people became terrified of the elf they once adored. Even his parents had to leave their son behind to go elsewhere to save their business. Viiris grew even more depressed, ashamed of his deeds and torn between the line of good and evil. Viiris' name became a term of threat, which the nobles would use against rebelling citizens in order to silence them. The elf became lonely and desperate, looking out for a light to hold onto.

That light was his deity, who gave him strength when he set foot in the path of religion. Hoping that one day, the people will forgive and accept him, elsewhere. Looking for a way to escape the city, Viiris became more active as a general guard, rather than an interrogator, and would look out for brighter days. Each passing second. He's on a path of redemption.

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  • Oct 24, 2022, 6:48:00 PM UTC
    This is amazing! This looks professional!
  • Sep 18, 2022, 4:25:06 PM UTC
    And he is also on the road to my heart <3 Evil
    • Sep 18, 2022, 4:35:34 PM UTC
      I'm so close to marking this as [abusive], no just kidding Heart
      Thank you~!
      Image attached





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