Tablin's Talisman

Posted Jan 30, 2022, 5:49:07 PM UTC

Tablin’s Talisman

: Combination pickaxe and Shovel.

Tablin’s Talisman is a product created of necessity. The combination pickaxe and shovel were created during his more frantic years of venturing forth into the unknown darkness of caves seeking gold and glory. Initially the head of the pickaxe and shovel were simply mounted to a sturdy shaft made of hard wood and over the years Tablin made some improvements. His needs shifted and with that change so too did the shape, form and function of his pickaxe. He modified the pickaxe and shovel with the ability to articulate the direction of the blades open or closed. Next came the addition of a hollowed-out portion of the handle, one that could store water. Following this change he further modified the pickaxe into what it is today.

Tablin’s modifications to his pickaxe tie into his elemental affinity of fire. He uses his elemental power to heat the water within the handle to produce steam allowing him to articulate the head of the pick and shovel with the press of a button. All his modification seemed like a luxury at first but, they proved to be a quite effect means to the next transition of Tablin’s life. After years spent underground, he left the mine and with his departure his life turned to one of constant strife. His need to use the pickaxe to wrest minerals and gems from stone was gone and there was a new use for a sharpened edge and a stout swing of the tool now turned weapon. 

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  • Jan 30, 2022, 7:00:41 PM UTC
    Your art style really suits this piece and the description attached explains how it works and what it means in a manner that I feel is consise but sufficiently detailed to cover the prompt.
    • Jan 30, 2022, 7:28:49 PM UTC
      I am trying to better both my artwork and of course my writing. I'm glad that it hit that sweet spot of descriptive enough yet not to over saturated with my usual rambling. Thank you for the feed back and the complements.



Tablin PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd334
14 total points
7 approved points



  • The Resoursfulness of Flame
  • Tablin Portrait


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