
Posted Apr 16, 2008, 10:14:44 PM UTC

He could feel the threads of life escaping between his fingers, carried off to the heavens where he was soon to belong. He had seen and been apart of death before, brought back by the Gods for some higher purpose in which he was--and had--to fulfill. A mission that had to do with the other two Blood Kyn, whom he had been friends with before in his first life.

Gazing off into the distance, claws digging into the cliffs crimson rock, he dwelled back on the moments he had spent with the man Zaki and wondered if he would be able to stand being alone once again. Two deaths of his mate may be too much, and he worried on that. But he knew that he was strong and would pull through--whether or not with the help of Ryouken.

A small smile touching his lips, he brought his hands back behind him and held them out, palms facing the bright blue sky. Eyes half closed and the breeze rustling his hair, he felt free of the restraints of the world; free of everything in general.

With a wistful sigh and a tear, he bid it all goodbye.


Personally, I like how this one came out, too. No, I did not forget his wings. He has the ability to choose whether they can be seen or not, and in this one he choose for them to be hidden. Another reason is that I intend for this to be a collaboration between my fiance and I, so I didn't want to block any way of her drawing her character in with his wings. Them things be huge, even when folded.


Another thing. YES, his horn IS supposed to be like that. Lauren and I decided that he had gotten into a fight with a fire demon of sorts, who had scorched his horn with a poisonous flame. Because of it, the poison will slowly seep through his horn and then into his brain, killing him. Thankfully, it isn't actually -going- to happen. So he is spending his last moments on a cliffs edge, gazing out into the distance and beholding the beauty of everything before he dies again.


Yukai Ureshii, the Blood Kyn, and the Blood Kyn concept/design is (c) to me.

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