Commission: Cheetah

Posted May 14, 2008, 11:33:15 PM UTC

So, this girl (Essence) asked me the day before yesterday if I could draw her a picture of a Cheetah on large paper for her and have it to her by Thursday since she is a senior and will be leaving then. For whatever reason, I said 'Sure! I'd love to!'. And then she added in that she would pay for it, which turned it into a commission. I gave it to her today, but she forgot the money so she is giving it to me tomorrow. Also, I had signed it with my name and the date (which I accidentally put as 12-13-08, but fixed with white out), but since the scanner I used was too small for the page... Well, this is what I was able to get. Cut off the tree, grass, part of the Cheetah (I had to scan it three times to get more in), etc. Also, it looks so much better in person, and I had this white 'outline' around the animal so you could see it. However, the scanner hates me. It also cut out its other ear which is pointing forward. I find myself slightly irritated. The tree looks all funny and the stars suddenly look like white flower petals. Go figure...

Anyway. Yep. I was going to do it free, but considering it took me several days to complete... But only because she said she would pay. If not, I guess it would have been free anyway. Ah well. I think she said it was going to be for a friend of hers, too.

Also! It made me extremely happy when she saw it. She gasped and made this unusual squealing sound in the back of her throat. Essence can do the strangest of things... though I'm quite glad she likes it. I was afraid she wouldn't.


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