The Stand

Posted Sep 8, 2007, 11:13:24 AM UTC

It was to be the final battle...

The man who had once been a simple enough tyrant bent on over-turning the Silver Tribe had become a monster that even nightmares could no longer define. Even creatures from the underworld would cringe in the shadow of such a creation. His original ambitions lost only to a blind lust for blood. The land lay scarred and barren, the sky had become pale and sickly, and few lived who were bold enough to make a stand against him.

There was no hope of victory, only that the realm would see that there were some who refused to die a coward's death or submit to the monster's desires. With their prince standing in the front lines, silver wings shining like the sun once had, and eyes burning forward- those who still retained their courage took up arms to stand beside him.



Okay, so this picture was inspired by 300, if you've not already guessed. Though the events in the role play where the little nugget up there is from are quite simular to the basic prinipal of the Spartin's last stand. So it fit well enough. It was kind of started as a joke, but it kind of became more of a serious picture as the actual battle began.

The characters pictured are Lethal (Up front in the cat skin), Prince Fealare (Glowing eyes there), Katrith (The gryphon), Bulaj of Holoros, and a random wolf.


The sketch was completely done with .5 - .3 mechanical pencils. I added the color to photo shop and used the dodge/burn tool along with a gray layer for extra shading. In all it only took about two hours or so.


Characters belong to myself and Dan Spangenberger. ( )


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