The Chase- Wraith's Lament ch1: Chapter 1

Published Jul 15, 2021, 10:33:39 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 15, 2021, 10:33:39 PM | Total Chapters 1

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

The hot sulfurous air stung Laika’s eyes and lungs as she traversed the sky above the scarred landscape of the end of the world, which spread across the land like an angry wound. She had to be careful. Even the air there had it’s dangers. Poisonous clouds of gas from deep below the earth spilled out by the way of the many vents and lava pools that were scattered about the charred landscape, and filled the sky with hidden patches of toxic miasma. Sudden thermals also threatened the stability of one’s flight, and thick plumes of black smoke made the visibility in some areas abysmal at best.

Still, Laika found herself flying alone, save for the company of her microstryx Aster, searching the volcanic wasteland for any sign of the feral stryx. Of course, the others hadn’t realized she was alone. She used the trick she had learned to get into certain arena events, and summoned a fake rider using her ice abilities, one that communicated via sign language. It was enough to convince the other riders, it seemed, but now that she was out there, without backup, she wondered if it had been the right call.

“This would have been easier if Bravo wasn’t such a craven and actually agreed to join us.” She grumbled to Aster, who was perched in the hollow between her wings at the base of her neck. The strong thermals and swift gusts of fiery winds had proved to be much for his little wings, and so he was forced to allow her to carry him. At Laika’s declaration, he twittered in agreement.

After awhile, Laika spotted an outcropping of rock that seemed like a relatively safe place to rest. She landed gracefully upon the black stone, talons scraping raspily
against it’s coarse surface. Once she was steady, Aster flitted to her head, the hum of his wings a comfort against quiet rumbling and bubbling of the land around them. She was glad the little trochili had agreed to come with her, despite the danger. She would be sure to rub it in Bravo’s face when they got back. Before she could get to comfortable though, she heard the microstryx begin to chirp in alarm.

“Laika, to our right!”

Looking up, she noticed two red dots glowing from behind a veil of smoke.

“Steady there Aster.” She whispered. “Be ready for an attack.”

Aster nodded and moved back to Laika’s shoulders, holding on to her feathers in case she needed to make any sudden maneuvers.
The red dots drew closer, and it soon became clear that they were in fact eyes, the owner of which being the largest runner stryx she had ever seen. Red corruption spilled from it’s snarling maw, and stained it’s otherwise dark teal feathers. Once it had a good view of her, the feral stryx roared and charged at her.

Laika’s first instinct was to fight back. Years of training in the arena telling her body to dodge the charge and strike at the creature’s side. It was large for a runner, yes, but she was still larger than it, and could easily take it down. But then she remembered the look of Grimm, growling and snapping like a beast, his own eyes turned an evil red. It was an infectious corruption, spread through the wounds the contaminated inflicted on others. The situation was all too familiar to that which her mother experienced, when the kukuri deity Life sent a contagion to corrupt the kukuri.
Her aunt Capri had tried to fight the corrupted ones too, and it resulted in her wandering the lands, corrupted herself, for nearly six months, until Death healed her.

Laika realized the folly in trying to attack this stryx. Even if she won the fight, it would come at the risk of becoming corrupted herself, or Aster. She knew she could not take that risk. Not alone, in a dangerous and unfamiliar land.

“Hold on Aster!” She said, flapping her wings wildy to avoid the oncoming stryx, it’s jaws open wide in readiness to sink it’s teeth into her neck. She dodged it’s attack with ease, taking to the smoke-filled air.
She could hear the snap of the other stryx’s jaws closing in the place she had been standing moments before, followed by a frustrated screech. Aster twitted nervously as it turned and began running after her with a speed that seemed almost unreal. This stryx clearly knew the land better than Laika did.

She could not fly as fast or as high as she wanted to, due to the thick smoke, and thus was forced to soar close to the ground. Rising winds pulled at her, and her watering eyes made it even more difficult to see. Still, she was making good time. The runner despite it’s speed was unable to keep up with her. Then, suddenly, something shiny caught her eye from gloom. At first she thought it was some kind of polished rock, but after a quick glance she realized it was not a rock, but an egg. A stryx egg.

It boasted a dark blue shell with gold flecks, like stars upon a night sky, and along it ran veins of gold and orange, resembling the cracks in the earth where lava peeked through, threatening the safety of any who dared cross that forsaken place by foot. Due to the egg’s appearance, it had almost blended in with it’s surroundings, but it was far too shiny to belong in such a dark and dusty place. A small ways from where it lay were the shattered remains of two other eggs, atop a poorly made nest of sharp stones that jutted up from the landscape.

An egg?” Aster asked from her back, having also seen it.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Laika muttered, as she passed the scene below her. “What sort of worm-brained fool would make a nest here of all places?”

Glancing back, she realized that the other eggs were not ones that had hatched, but rather had been purposely destroyed. By the feral stryx no doubt. She doubted the remaining egg would survive long where it was. The snarling stryx had nearly reached where it lie. She knew it was too risky to go back. It would put her at a tactical disadvantage given the position of it, and the added weight would slow her down.

“AH for Death’s sake!
I can’t believe I’m doing this. Hang on extra tight Aster. This could get rough.”

Laika wheeled around and sped towards the fallen egg with as much speed as her wings would give her. The feral stryx was ahead, snarling and snapping as she approached. She knew that she only had a couple seconds to grab it once she reached it.

“This is going to be close.”


Steeling herself, she dove downwards, flaring out her wings at the last moment to slow herself enough so as not to collide with the scorched earth. Talons outstretched, she snatched up the egg in one deft movement, but it was not fast enough. The feral stryx launched itself at her, and she only narrowly avoided her wing being caught within it’s jaws. Instead it collided with her from the side, and the two of them tumbled onto a particularly crunchy patch of earth. Laika could feel the heat radiating off of it, glowing cracks beginning to form along it's surface, and she knew they must be on top of a thick crust of cooled lava.

Aster, who had been sent flying off of the azure corva’s back, zipped to her side looking her over to make sure she was okay.

“Laika get up! Quickly, quickly!”

Laika groaned in pain as she stood back up. The feral stryx was quick to it’s feet as well, already preparing to attack her again. Without hesitation, Laika sucked in a breath a breathed out a blast of ice and snow directly into the runner’s face. It howled angrily, shaking and rubbing it’s head as though it had just been stung.

“That should buy us at least a few seconds.” She said to her microstryx as she turned and grabbed the egg once more, taking to the air. Aster hastily followed, resuming his place at the base of her neck.


“Now,” Laika said determinedly, “let’s see if we can lead this sucker into that pit trap shall we?”


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