Hide and Seek: Chapter 1

Published Oct 1, 2008, 10:29:10 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 1, 2008, 10:29:10 AM | Total Chapters 1

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A little game of "Hide and Seek"

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

The Characters of Inuyasha (manga and anime) belong to Takahashi Rumiko

Hide and Seek


A young woman ran through the forest, her poor human eyesight making it more difficult to navigate around the trees and low tree branches. Yet her feet told her to move, and move quickly. And for once, the miko did not argue.

He was after her, and Kagome knew that whenever he was chasing after something, or someone, he never gave up until his prey was under his clutches. Even if it took days for him to find it, though she knew he was not one to waste that much time looking for her.

She stopped by a large tree and rested her back against it, her breathing heavy and rapid from exertion. It wouldn’t be long until she was on the run again, but she could only run so far, while he could run further, much further. Hiding was of no option either. No matter where she hid, he always managed to find her with his acute sense of smell. Once she had even attempted to hide amongst a field filled with wild flowers, except it only ended up with him laughing throughout the whole night while telling her that she did not smell that nice.

Anger flared from within her soul when she remembered that unfortunate moment. Fortunately this time, Kagome had planned smarter. She had spent most of the morning thinking about this plan. It was a perfect, flawless plan. Kagome was unstoppable now—

A well placed rock lay innocently on the exact same path the miko was running on, and as a result, the young woman tripped over and landed hard on the ground. But Kagome was too far ahead to be hindered by some rock in the ground, and so, she quickly picked herself up and ran as fast as a human could possibly do so.

A few minutes later, someone else had come to the place where Kagome had fallen down. Breathing heavily from exertion, but more from the excitement of chasing a worthy opponent, he smirked, using his foot to press on the innocent rock so hard, that it sunk into the ground leaving nothing but a small shallow hole. She’s fast, he mused to himself. He then crouched down towards the ground and sniffed for that perfumed scent he always found so alluring, so Kagome.

You can’t hide from me. Not now…not ever…

Standing up, he looked to the direction he knew where she had headed off to. He took a step forward and then, he counted, in his usual arrogant manner, “One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six… Seven… Eight… Nine… Ten…”

Kagome could feel her heart pounding louder each time he counted, each number being another step towards her. He knew where she was, yet was trying to mock her for her lack of skill in hiding.

The woman frowned and decided she was not going to give in so easily. She took off in another direction, hoping to shake off his keen nose. Sprinting as fast as her muscles were willing, the miko grinned, thinking how easily she was able to lose him with her cool sense of wit, and her capability to outsmart his tracking abilities by running in jagged directions instead of a straight line. But to her utter horror, the sight before her was not a welcoming one. It was the edges of the forest, which only meant one thing:

She was dead.

Now breathless from fear, she sprinted onwards with all of the adrenalin her body was willing to give, while hoping that it would be enough to avoid his capture.

Yet it was already too late.

“Kagome…” she heard from somewhere behind her, his voice soft, almost whispering, sending shivers down her spine. “You always seem to think you can outrun me.” The feeling of his fingers on the base of her neck, teasing her skin, caused a whimper to escape from her lips. “And I always have to prove you wrong.” He gave out a quiet laugh to which the miko became angry, and she found herself running once again, anything to flee from his hungry aura. It was hopeless she knew, for when so close to him, she could not run away, even if she tried. He would always get his prey, and she would always be his victim, willingly.

Now she felt his strong arms encircling her, causing her to fall with him as he used his weight to push her forward. They tumbled over a few times before they finally stopped, and slowly, after getting the dizziness from out of her head, Kagome opened her eyes and saw his red haori, his chest moving up and down in heavy breaths, and then his face, grinning back at her.

The miko frowned. “I thought I told you to wait ten minutes before trying to find me.”

A look of surprise came over Inuyasha’s face, but soon he recovered by saying. “Well…I did count to ten very, very slowly.” To his amusement, he saw her mouth fall open, and he would have grinned if not for the sudden twinkle in her blue-grey eyes.

“That’s not ten minutes, and you know that.” She cried out, her hands finding their way to his sides and proceeding to tickle him. It didn’t take long for him to start laughing, even as he tried his best to stop himself from doing so, it was all in vain. Hot tears fell from his eyes, blurring his vision while his body continued to struggle from her fingers running along his underarms. “Give up now?” He heard her say. And Inuyasha found his chance when Kagome briefly stopped. With his remaining strength he pushed the miko off and then pounced on top of her, pinning down her wrists with his hands.

Time seemed to stop as Kagome stared wide-eyed at the hanyou, and it was then she began to realise how close he was, his youthful face just inches from hers, white hair flowing down in silky strands, his amber eyes glowing brightly against the backdrop of the night sky. She reached up to touch his cheek.

“You’re beautiful.”

The illusion disappeared when Inuyasha blinked in shock. Blushing hotly, he turned his face away from her. “Don’t be stupid, only women can be beautiful.”

“Oh, like who?” she asked curiously.

He only smiled in reply.

“Who?” She asked again.

He leant forward, and Kagome thought he was going to whisper the answer into her ear, but to her astonishment, something wet touched her ear in stroking motions instead, making her shudder. Not the kind of answer she was expecting. Still she closed her eyes as he gently licked her ear lobe, trailing down until he reached the base of her neck, lingering, moist, and overpowering. Her lips parted slightly, breathing out his name, while her hands clutched his shoulders in fear that if she did not, he would be gone and the touches he was giving to her would only be some form of a dream designed to tease.

Using his thumb, Inuyasha lightly caressed her cheek and over her soft lips, then met them with his own in a kiss. One kiss easily became plenty, as were the feather-like touches of skin as their clothes fell from their shoulders and back. They embraced, their hands trailing on every naked curve they could find, caressing the skin that was the most sensitive to their touch. In a daze, Kagome reached out and caught one of his ears, stroking it with her fingertips until she could feel his hot breath coming out in a shudder. She hugged him just a little tighter when she could feel a cool breeze tickle her body, but it soon passed when the hanyou’s tongue began its torturous ministrations on her breasts. Finally she closed her eyes, allowing the sensations of his tender touches to overwhelm her.

“I-Inuyasha…,” she breathed out in gasps, arching her back.

“Hmm…? Do you want me to stop?”

 She barely heard him, clutching his hair in response when she felt his rough hand moving downwards to her inner thigh and then back up again to the place where it was dripping wet with moisture. Eyes snapped open to see Inuyasha, head leaning over, licking at her skin before he reached the spot where he knew she would not be able to stop him, not that he was going to. The miko writhed about, unable to control her body’s responses to his assaulting passion. Somewhere in her mind told her to resist and fight back, and yet, yet, it was difficult enough when her small hands could not hold anywhere near him except for the kimono that lay beneath her.

Momentarily, Inuyasha stopped, moving up to gaze at the miko’s face, placing his cheek against hers and watching her eyes fluttering open to meet his. Blue-grey eyes met amber, causing Kagome’s cheeks to redden in a blush. He whispered her name as he kissed her shoulder. She moaned in response when he began to grind against her body, the want for him to enter growing each time he massaged her with each stroke, and each time she grew increasingly impatient by his refusal even when she tried to coax him in. She could hear him chuckling, his hot breath against her ear, though she could tell he was beginning to struggle between taunting her and his own growing arousal. Her mind was growing hazy, and if she didn’t do something soon, Inuyasha would have all the fun without her. So she grabbed him, thanking her luck that he was now too weak to respond, forcing him onto his back, his full nude view for her awaiting eyes.

“What? No, don’t you dare, Kagome—” He moaned when the miko started to trail her hands all over his body, his chest, around his abdomen, and down further still, until he could feel his body quiver all over, especially when her touches were replaced by kisses. Managing to sit up a little, the sight before him almost made him want to faint.

Kagome drew her tongue along his hard flesh, hungrily savouring its soft texture when she tasted it with her mouth, fully aware that he was watching her every move. She ignored his pleas to stop, saying that she was cheating the rules of their game. However his bucking movements, his sounds, his fingers coiled through her hair, told her otherwise, and she continued, blissfully, unrelentingly. Damn the game, she thought as she heard him calling out her name in ragged pants, the resulting outcome was always the same, no matter who won. It was the fun that counted.

“Isn’t that right, Inuyasha?” she giggled, massaging him.

“You… bitch…” was his reply, gritting his teeth in attempts to keep his mind from losing control. “You’re not playing fair.”

“I know, but you took advantage of me the last time.” Then crawling over to cover him, she proceeded to rub, enjoying the feeling of their intimacy, closing her eyes to shut out the distractions of the forest around them.

Inuyasha saw his opening, picking the miko up by her hips and gradually pushing her onto him, completing their union. He breathed out a sigh of relief when he felt her warmth surround his, a familiar sensation, yet exhilarating at the same time. They captured each other’s gaze, a longing they only knew too well as they embraced before falling into rhythm, slow at first, but gaining their momentum as they grew bolder, each thrust leaving them wanting more. Kagome reached for his ears again, fondling them gently, whispering his name while he licked at her breast. Before long, their passions to rose into a frenzied pace, their minds no longer in control of their bodies as they met with each thrust, each time telling about their love for each other, a love they only knew, a secret to everyone else. The miko held on, not wanting to lose her contact with him when she felt the first signs of orgasm hitting her very soul. It coursed right through her body, such a powerful feeling she always welcomed, and soon he joined her, shuddering under her when he pushed for one final time for his own completion.  

As their breathing slowed down, their minds clearing from their lovemaking, they held each other quietly, relishing the moment they had just shared together.


 â€śWhat is it?” Lifting her head to look at him, she could see the emotions clearly in his eyes. And for some reason, she did not like how his amber eyes twinkled, mischievously.

“Ready for another round?” he asked, kissing her on the nose.

A blush was her reply. “Of course.” and she reached down to begin again, but was unexpectedly pushed over. She lay flat on her back, hearing his words tickling at her ear.

“Good. I’ll hide while you count to ten, alright?”

 All she could do was to watch in dismay as Inuyasha hastily gathered his things and ran off into the forest, showing his naked glory to any unsuspecting people who happened to pass by. Blinking, Kagome finally stood up, carefully picked up her clothes, and sighed.

“All right, dog-boy!” She shouted at the top of her voice. “But you’d better not make it so easy for me to find you this time!!”

The End.



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