100 Themes: Years

Published Apr 4, 2007, 8:39:26 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 19, 2007, 8:34:36 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

The writing version of the 100 themes, based entirely on a world of my own.

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Chapter NaN: Years


She sat quietly on the cliff face, letting her feet dangle over the edge. A sigh filled the air as her mind wandered back, all those many years, back to another time, another place. When love filled her heart, pride was not so important or necessary; when she had a family. Silver's head drooped, soft wolf ears lowered sadly.

Why had things gone so wrong? What had happened, all those many years ago? Unable to answer her own question, she stood up, backing away from the edge of the cliff. As she turned, her eyes caught a glimpse of something. A wolf, a large brown wolf with amber colored eyes. He had black markings around his eyes and on his ears. Her silvery blue eyes caught and held his, her heart racing.

“…W-Why?” She asked him, softly, not wanting to hear the answer. She advanced, one step, slowly taken. The brown wolf flinched back, and then came towards her. He paused halfway, raised his powerful maw to the sky and let out a long, mournful cry, filled with lost hope, now found. Silver pricked her ears, her own hope returning, and as she opened her mouth to reply when another, shorter, howl filled the air, a female wolf loped out of the trees to stand next to the brown wolf. They touched noses, tails wagging, then turned to head back into the trees. The brown paused as he reached the trees, looking back at the crestfallen Silver Fang.

“Because I could.” Was his reply to her, and then he was gone. Silver slid to the ground, landing harshly on her knees. Her pain, her sadness, her suffering, what had lasted for so many years, it meant nothing. The bastard would pay.

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