Forgotten memories: Chapter 1 Lost and Found

Published Jun 13, 2006, 10:10:21 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 11, 2006, 9:23:25 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

A boy whos life is turned upside down in dramatic accident. He knows nothing of his real past. But with all the odd stuff happening he will soon be pulled into a whirlpool of his forgotten memories.

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1 Lost and Found

   The life of the world it is everywhere and you need to enjoy life while it lasts. These are the words my brother spoke before he died. His life was put in my hands and I didn’t grab it before he slipped away. They wanted me and he got shot. They killed him. My brother he was young, and I didn’t know now it’s my fault he’s dead. This is my story. This is my life. This is about my revenge for my brother.



  â€śBrother, brother, mother wants you!” A white haired boy yelled as his hair fluttered in the wind. There was one lone tree sitting on that hill. It was a cherry tree and it was in bloom. The pink blossoms fell with each gust of wind as it whistled into the unknown. There was a boy with hair as radiant as the sun sitting under the tree. As the white haired boy raced up the musty path the other boy waved then turned to look onto the shimmering sunset. “Brother Mother wants you home!” The white haired boy stammered as he raced toward the pink tree. “All right I’ll go the sunset is almost over anyway.” He mocked as he got up and stretched. The white haired boy ran over to him gasping for any breath he could find. The blonde haired boy stared then started to laugh. “You look like a dog Sine!” The white haired boy looked up and laughed too. “I guess I do! Well come on Kaladin we have to go you know how mother is!” he shouted as he started back down the hill. Kaladin started after him it soon turned into a race. Sine panted heavily as he raced his brother down the steep and narrow path. They both stumbled down the narrow road heading to the shimmering city below. This town gleamed so brightly because it was made of a thick, thick diamond substance.

The year is 2030 and the world is alive. Most building now is made of diamond based substance because they found a new way to make more of it without running out. Not many people knew how but not many try to know how either. Kaladin and Sine raced though the shimmering streets of cars until they came to a street not made of diamond. Not all streets shimmered like the big rich looking ones some were not able to afford this so they lived here. It was a dump but it was home to Kaladin and Sine.

The two boys rounded the last corner and approached a solemn looking house but the house seemed to cheer right up when those boys twisted its doorknob. If they had looked they would have seen the ambulance parked outside of their house. “Mother we’re home! I found him at the cherry tree again!” Sine Shouted as he stormed up the stairs with Kaladin right behind him.

They ran down a large hallway that was decorated with toys of all sorts. Kaladin and Sine walked slowly up to a door that read “Here God loves everyone even those who are lesser than him.” “Mother you in there?” Sine whispered as he opened the door to find doctors and nurses standing around a stretcher with a big white sheet on it. “What are you doing?!” Sine Screamed as the doctors whirled around. “Get them out of here we don’t know if they have it too.” One of the doctors whispered. He had a mask over his face his sideburns stuck out like a skunks white strip on its back. Sine started to feel his tears weld up. Kaladin ran over and started hitting the closest doctor he could find. “Stop it, Stop it! That is mother under there isn’t it?!” Kaladin screamed still slamming his fists into the side of the side burned man. Two of the doctors picked up Kaladin he was kicking and screaming like a trapped raccoon. Sine looked helpless as tears streamed from his eyes.

Sine’s fists tightened up and he cried out “First father now you?! What’s next to go, me and Brother!?” Time suddenly froze for him memories racing by in his head of there mom and dad. Then of a strange man he had often seen in his dreams. This man had on a black hooded sweatshirt and black pants carrying a gun he whispered something but Sine couldn’t hear him. Then he snapped out of it to realize doctors were now over him. “Son are you ok? You went into a state of shock.” He recognized the doctor as the doctor with side burns. He saw Kaladin being heaved out of the room by three nurses. He shot up and raced toward Kaladin there arms clasped and they all clashed onto the floor. The doctor with the side burned doctor’s arm wrapped around Sine’s side like a snake. He was stronger then Sine expected. He pulled both Kaladin and Sine out of the mess of nurses’. “We have to decide what to do with them since all of their relatives are dead or missing.” With that he walked out the door with both of the boys in his hands.

That would be the day that changed their lives’. They knew their mom wasn’t well they just didn’t know how sick she was. That week they would go to their mom’s funeral she would be buried next to their father. They didn’t know their father very well but their mom said he was a good man and he loved them very much. She said he got sick and went to sleep and didn’t wake up. The boys would try to wake him but he ended up being taken away and buried into a box that’s what the boys thought. They now were being taken to a place called Saint Mariah’s Orphanage. They were being transported in a big bus with other kids going there. There was a boy with green eyes who looked like a reptile at least that’s what Sine thought. Then there were two girls who were twins. Next there was this bus driver that smelled of old gym socks. Kaladin kept insisting that he was the ugliest man he had ever seen! Sine just laughed but his laughter stopped when they arrived at the orphanage. It had a big stone wall around it kind of looked like a prison and to them it seemed like one.

They both gasped at the walls around the enormous grey castle. The yellow bus pulled though the front iron gates. It pulled up to the front of the orphanage steps that were as colorful as a lump of coal. A big stork like person came out of the building. The stork (later referred to as Ms. Finchly) person stepped onto the bus and hissed “I am Ms. Finchly you will follow me and no comments please I don’t need sniveling cry-babies.”  She walked finely out of the bus and Sine and Kaladin and the other children followed nervously.

She murmured “Grab your things and follow me brats come!” They grabbed their things and Kaladin whispered “Well, well, well I think we’ve found the new Snape of the house only she’s an old stork not a snake!” They both giggled and headed up the stairs after the old prune with the others. The halls were aligned with rows and rows of delicate little doors. Sine was fascinated with this sight. Getting to stay in this big house with Kaladin all they needed was mother and father and life would be perfect well so he thought. “I will take you two to your bed-room you’ll have a room mate so live with it.” She scowled as she looked at Sine’s hair. “Your hair is very um…..unique.” Sine looked down this wasn’t the first time someone noticed his hair but he liked it. Long and shiny when his mom used to brush it some people thought he was a girl from the back. They made their way up several flights of stairs. Kaladin thought he counted 1,209 of those grey steps. They finally came to a dark door that had the engravings “Inside lies a monster do not disturb!” The old stork knocked on the door and there was a yell from inside. “Henry! Henry!” She squealed in a high pitched voice. The door flew open and a boy stepped out yelling “What, what, you old hag!” “Watch your tongue before I cut it out!” Ms. Finchly screamed and her face exploded. The boy stood propped up ageist the door way with a stern look of not caring. “Bite me God.” With that he pulled Sine and Kaladin in the room and latched the door. Ms. Finchly howled with anger so much so pounded on the door! The boy sighed with relief and smiled. He had dark shaggy brown hair that hung in his face. He also had on a leather jacket and some jean pants with one loose chain dangling from it. He sneered, “So you’re the new guys? Well looks like you’re bunking with me might as well explain the rules.” He laid down on a rickety old bunk bed. He blew his shaggy hair out of his face. “Well one of you guys has to sleep above me the other below Siege.”  He pointed above him at the old mattress. “So who will it be?” He asked. Sine looked at Kaladin then he whispered, “I will I guess.”

Sine threw his stuff up on the bed and climbed the loose rusty ladder. The boy turned his head to Kaladin and snickered, “Well you got stuck with Siege his bed is over there. He always has top so don’t you dare put your stuff on his bed. Oh and also beware Siege likes to move around in his sleep.” Sine laughed at this thought. He imagined Kaladin getting stuck underneath some fat guy. The boy stuck his head up to see Sine. “Hey I haven’t told you my name yet it’s-“ “I know it is Henry right?” The boy looked discouraged at Sine. “No, No that’s it that is just what the old bat calls me. My name is Spider.

“It is just the old bat refuses to call me it she says it isn’t profound!” When he said profound he crossed his eyes and that made Sine laugh. All the sudden from the back of the room a board shot out of place. Kaladin fell back out of shock Spider shook his head and laughed. “It is just Siege coming back with food for us.” Just then a boy emerged from the hole where the board was removed from. Sine couldn’t believe his eyes the boy had blue spiked hair! He had only had seen a person with that color of hair in the T.V shows he used to watch. 

“Hey who is on my bed Spider, explain you dumb butt!” He stammered as he entered the room with a large sack. Kaladin looked down and went over to help him get the large sack into the cramped room. “Humph look you better explain the new arrivals to me. I am Siege so who are you guys?” Spider looked up from his bed and smiled, “This is Sine and Kaladin they’re new.” Siege threw the bag onto the musty bed and it squealed as the weight of the bag sank down. “Well ok then hello I guess you’ve already picked out beds huh.”

Then something caught Siege’s eye. He whirled around and glared at Sine. Siege went over and tugged on Sine’s hair. “OOWWWWWW Stop it that hurts!” “This isn’t really your hair right? It is cool did you dyed it didn’t you?” Kaladin gasped and yelled, “You bully stop it he was born with that hair leave him alone!” Spider looked amused as Siege let Sine’s hair go. Spider smiled as he got up, “Well come on we should show them around right?” Sine looked at Kaladin in a bugged look. Spider grabbed Sine’s arm tight so he couldn’t move when he yanked him off the bed. “I’ll take Sine ok? You take Kaladin!” Siege looked at Kaladin and smiled. “Ok I think Sine is afraid of me now that I pulled that stunt with his hair.”  Spider grabbed Sine and pushed him out of the cramped room.

The walked down the hallway in silence. The hallways gave off an eerie since of loneliness with its big doorways and its dark painted windows. Spider ran up to an opened door he smiled and whispered, “this is the baby room no need to go in there are just babies in there.” Sine nodded and continued following Spider through the dimly lit corridors. Spider pointed to a tiled room but you couldn’t tell what was in there because the doorway curved inward. “That is boys bathroom make sure you take a bath around this time no one is there, because if you go when everyone’s there it’s a mess!”

Sine laughed he didn’t know why but he liked Spider he felt comfortable with him. Sine wondered if Kaladin liked Siege because Sine didn’t like him one bit. Spider bumped into Sine which woke him up from thinking. Spider’s teen-aged hand wrapped around Sine’s opened mouth which caught Sine off guard. Sine squirmed and tried to get free the Spider hissed, “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….” All the sudden Ms. Finchly walked down the hall Sine’s spine felt like jelly. Oh how he hated that lady! Spider smiled and whispered, “Sorry about that didn’t want to be caught you know?” Sine nodded as he did that his white hair flooded into his eyes. So Spider reached down and moved it out of his face. Then they smiled but they heard those stork like footsteps coming back so they ran down into the dark corridor.

  They were out of breath when they came to the huge lit up dining hall. Sine’s glossy hair shone like the sunrise on a Sunday. They walked over to the enormous dining table which was being prepared for dinner as they spoke. Sine’s hand stroked the silver forks and spoons. Then he noticed the incredible fireplace. He raced over to it to see its roaring blaze. Spider walked up behind him and asked, “You hungry?” Sine nodded he was starved he could eat that dining table. Spider took his hand and brought him through an arched doorway. Then to his amazement he saw a sight that made his stomach flip. The whole room was aliened with food. There in the middle was a plump lady cooking something that smelled wonderful. Spider walked over and yelled “Mrs. Pumpkin!” The lady looked up and squealed “Henry!” No kidding her name didn’t lie she whore an orange apron and had big rosy cheeks.

“Mrs. Pumpkin this is the new kid him and his brother have joined our family.” Mrs. Pumpkin’s cheeks lit up and she rushed over to Sine and gave him a hug that nearly crushed him. “Oh you poor dear! I am so sorry if there is anything I can do for you than you tell me ok?” Sine tried to say ok she was killing him with her death grip bear hug. Spider was looking at the delicious sauce but by his face he didn’t like it that much. Finally she let go of his head. He gasped for breath she giggled then Sine’s stomach made a ferocious growl. Mrs. Pumpkin giggled, “Well you must be hungry let me get you two something!” With that she raced off with her hair in a bun bobbing after her.  They both sat down at the overly crowded table filled with gravy, and bread, and all kinds of goodies. This was the first time he had gotten to see Spider’s face up close. He was tall and his hair was a little longer that his ears. His eyes were green like the kid on the bus but they fit his face better so he didn’t look like a reptile. He was really a mystery to Sine but Sine wanted to solve it.

“Hey Spider can I ask you something or do you want me to shut up?” “No I like you go ahead shoot but….well let’s play twenty questions. Know how to play?” Yeah, Sine thought he only knew how because this girl wanted to play it with him before. “Yes I know how I’ll go first. How did you end up here Spider?” “Well my dad went to war and never came home and my mom died in labor. As for my relatives they didn’t want me they said I was trouble.” Oh….That is sad I’m sorry.” “Don’t be I am over it now. My turn um….let’s see……I got it! What is your favorite thing that your mom did to you when you were little?” Sine felt a ping in his heart oh how he missed his mom so much. He could feel tears welding up. Spider looked at him in worriment. “Did I say something wrong?” Sine didn’t want to cry in front of Spider he felt tough with Spider he had to run. Sine burst into tears and sprang out of his chair and sped out of the kitchen as fast as he could. Spider sprang up too. He grabbed for Sine’s shirt but missed. “Sine wait I’m-…….” But by then Sine was gone.

Mrs. Pumpkin came racing back “I brought cookies and fresh brea- where did your friend go?” Spider sadly replied, “He left well here give me that and I’ll take it to him ok?” “Yes dear but it has to be given with love!” So she handed Spider the food and went back cooking.

                                                         *    *    *

Sine tripped and fell while tears streamed from his eyes. I miss her so much why? Why take her god why? A little girls head popped out from a door nearby. “Um…are you ok? Why are you crying are you hurt?” She leaned over him touching his head slightly. Sine looked up and nodded yes. Then she smiled and skipped away. Sine got up and he recognized where he was so he headed up the dreaded grey steps to his room to face Spider.  When he finally got back to his room he opened the door and saw Kaladin and Siege but no Spider. “Hey where is Spider?” Kaladin replied, “We thought he was with you?” Sine felt his stomach tighten into a knot even though he hadn’t been there long he thought of Spider as an older brother. “Don’t worry I am sure he is fine.” Siege smiled at him but Sine couldn’t help but worry.

“I am going to look for him ok?” Sine stated to his brother, “I’ll be back” Kaladin nodded and held him a thumbs up. Sine sprinted down the hallway of which he came he had to find him he didn’t want to lose someone else. Then an eerie pain shot through his chest he left mother alone and she died he had to find him. He rounded a dark corner he had never been here before, but he hadn’t been here long either it had been 9hours since he arrived. Then he heard a screeching from Ms. Finchly she was yelling something like, “You thief taking from me! You just couldn’t wait could you?!” Sine decided to get a better look. He peered around a corner into Ms. Finchly office and there was Spider! Sine walked closer to hear what she was saying. You little twit! I’ll have you whipped for this!” She screamed in rage. “No, no please I didn-“Spider started to say but she cut him off before he could finish. “I am disgusted with you I am going to whip you and squish you, you little Spider!” Spider’s face went completely pale as she grabbed something out of her desk.

She held the whip up like a sword over Spider’s backside. Spider’s eye’s tightened and so did his fist ready for the swipe of the mighty whip. Sine couldn’t stand it any longer he raced towards the door and yelled, “Stop!”  They both looked up to see Sine’s eye’s water and step in front of Spider. “What do you want?!” She scowled in disgust. “Please don’t hurt him!” Sine managed to spew out before he started sobbing. “Why not Sine explain why he shouldn’t suffer?! Someone has to pay for this stolen food in whipping do you want his spot?!” She shrieked at him with furry. Sine thought and hissed back to her ugly face, “Yes I do please whip me instead.” Spider stared in shock and his face went paler. “No Sine I won’t let you take my place!” Spider cried.

Ms. Finchly looked pleased. “Alright” she hissed “Leave Spider now before I whip him twenty times instead of ten!” Spider stumbled to his feet and left. But when he did he could’ve sworn he saw a tear roll down Spider’s cheek. “Sit with your back to me I am going to whip you good and hard ok so scream but not to loud to wake the young ones!” With that he got in the position and she raised the whip and slammed it down as hard as she could. Pain shot everywhere through his body he let out a shrill scream that would make you shiver if you heard it. After the tenth one he was crying so hard it could fill a moat. The bottom part of his hair was red from blood. His back was torn up and he couldn’t move. She gave him a sharp jab in the side to get him up. He managed to get up and crawl up the stairs. His back felt like he was cut with a razor and he felt light headed by now most of the bleeding stopped. When he got back to the room he turned the doorknob a little but not all the way. He felt too bad to do it by himself so he collapsed on the floor it felt good to stop moving.

The knob turned from the inside and swung open. Spider stood there palely. He had taken his shirt off and he gasped and ran to Sine’s side. He scooped Sine up out of the darkness and carried him into the musty room. Cradled like a baby Spider carried Sine over to his bed. He sat down and set Sine gently into his lap. He carefully applied aloe that he had gotten from Mrs. Pumpkin. He whispered into Sine’s ear “I know I haven’t known you long but you have already saved me from pain but you had to suffer in my place. I am grateful to you……Little brother.”  Spider smiled and set his head on Sine’s shoulder. Under all his blood stained hair Sine smiled and drifted off into a deep sleep which he didn’t want to wake from.

                                                      *     *    * 

Spider pushed Sine a little bit. Sine moaned and turned over. “Wake up sleepy head!” Sine rolled over blinking at Spider’s face. For being musty bed covers they were actually quite comfortable. Sine tried to move but his back was soar from the lashing he got the night before. Spider looked at him, “Fine I’ll carry you to get a bath.” With that Spider reached for Sine and picked his limp body up and threw it over his shoulder. When Spider opened the door he saw a few younger boys run past them with fluffy white towels. Sine had noticed when he woke up he hadn’t seen Kaladin or Siege. He really wanted to see his glossy haired brother but he did like hanging with Spider.

They walked (well Sine rode) to a huge closet filled with towels and shampoo or shampaae that’s what the girls called it anyway. Some of the boys laughed when they saw Spider caring Sine all the way to the bathroom. They walked into the brightly colored tiled room. Sine could hear the sound of water running and the pitter patter of wet feet. Then they entered a room with boys dressing and undressing and some towel slapping each other. Spider went over to a roughly colored bench and set Sine down. Spider said, “The showers are this way. Come if you like but I don’t think it’s a good idea with those scratches on your back.” Sine nodded he tried to walk but his legs were wobbly, but he stumbled out of the bathroom.  Sine went down to the dimly lit room and slumped onto the top bunk and stared at the dull white ceiling.  Then he drifted off into a deep sleep. 

Suddenly, he was surrounded in darkness!  He noticed the soot haired boy leaning over his back and whispered into Sine’s ear in a hushed voice “This will only hurt for a second.”  The intruder pulled out an extremely large needle with silver colored fluid inside.  Sine shuddered in horror at the sight of the needle and it’s the liquid moving inside it. He couldn’t tell if this was a dream or real! The boy smiled then jabbed that needle into Sine’s shoulder.

He screamed and his eye’s shot open and he was back in his room was that a dream he thought. He looked around there was no one in the clustered room. He touched the place in his arm where the needle had gone in, and he noticed a small hole that was just about the needle’s size. Was it a dream or wasn’t it?   He was puzzled about it until Spider came back.

When the got back they had on some cloths but you could tell by there hair they had a shower. Sine stretched on his bed when Spider said,

 â€śWe are going out to the market today then we’ll come back and feast then do chores.” Sine’s shoulders sagged he hated chores he hated them as much as Ms. Finchly. Spider seemed to know what he was thinking and he said, “They aren’t those kind of chores silly.” Sine smiled Spider was right he wouldn’t make me do stupid chores. Siege went over and pushed the loose board open. Sine could hear the cars and talking of people on the street. Kaladin grabbed Sine’s hand. “Come on Sine let’s go!” Spider and Siege followed right behind them. Sine looked out of the hole. They were really high! Sine’s heat beet faster as he saw where he needed to go it was a drain pipe well it was larger that a drain pipe but it had foot holes in it to climb.  Sine’s heart raced as he started towards it. Spider yelled, “Careful Sine doesn’t fall Kaladin!” Kaladin nodded as he went to help Sine get hooked onto the pipe.

Sine felt his foot get latched onto the pipe and he started down the rusty thing.  When they were all down Spider lead them to the front of the orphanage and they headed out the front gate. Soon they came to a crowded street with merchants, stores, and all kinds of things. Sine smiled as he smiled someone frying chicken. He looked down at his feet he was hungry he hadn’t eaten since…..well he couldn’t even remember. “I am hungry.” Sine wined. Spider looked at him, “Really already? Ok then I’ll go get you some food.” He walked into a nearby store and ran out with a basket of chicken ha ducked behind a nearby alleyway to make sure no one had seen him. Next he rounded the corner and shoved the chicken into Sine’s hand. “Here but next time I am not getting it!” Sine dug into the chicken. Juice spurred out it was one of the best things Sine had ever tasted. Siege looked at him with an element of surprise on his face. “Take it easy tiger you’re going to choke if you keep eating that fast.” Sine looked up at him then looked back down and started to eat slower instead of gorging it down. Siege sighed, “We have to keep going we’ll be in the store if you need us. Ok?” Sine nodded and kept eating. He gazed along the streets of bustling people he loved seeing people. They just kept walking without a care in the world. He wondered why his life was full of torment. He starred into the sky as a breeze blew his hair back from his face. Sine noticed a cat had hopped onto the table probably looking for scraps. He also noticed he had a piece of chicken left he reached into the basket and pulled it out. The cat watched him nervously as he slid the chicken over to it. It picked it up and started devouring it. Sine smiled and stared off into the blue sky. He thought about the guy he had seen and what had happened to him. He felt the welt on his shoulder he couldn’t tell if it was a dream or reality. The cat looked up and moved closer to Sine. Sine stretched out his hand for the cat to smell. But the cat didn’t smell it, it hopped up his arm and sat on his shoulder. Sine smiled and the cat smiled too he knew he had made a new friend. He got up the cat just seemed to cling to his shoulder even more. He smiled as he said, “My friends will like you.” The cat meowed in agreement. Sine replied, “Well I will call you Ryu let’s hope you’re a boy!” The cat meowed seeming pleased with the name it was given. Then he walked toward the store not knowing his future or the dark truth about him or what was to become of him. Just knowing that he should live his life the way his heart lead.

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