Hell Fever: One shot

Published Oct 23, 2005, 4:57:44 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 23, 2005, 4:57:44 PM | Total Chapters 1

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Songfic: The villians of DB/Z/GT have a bad case of Hell Fever.

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Chapter NaN: One shot

Hell Fever

By Mari


Disclaimer: Every single villain from Dragonball/Z/GT are the © properties of Akira Toriyama. "Cabin Fever" is the (t) of Muppets Treasure Island, which is the © property of Jim Henson. The parodied version is mine.

Everyone has his or her own version of what Hell is. Many say that it’s all fire and brimstone where evil will burn for all eternity. Others say that it’s nothing more than endless torture. Well this one particular Hell is just that. It doesn’t have many fires but only a desiccant land of stone and darkness. And the only torture is the endless boredom that the residents around here have been dealing with for centuries. They are the evil villains that the Z-Warriors have defeated very long time ago and have wounded up here as punishment from King Yama.

All of them have these completely bored look on their faces have lost their will to live. Of course none of them are alive anymore anyway.

"It’s been nearly a hundred years since we actually escape from this place." Said Dr. Gero, reminiscing that day when he and Dr. Mu once tricked Goku into coming to Hell and they and everyone else made their get away from here.

"A hundred years since we got sent back here." Dr. Mu replied, wanting to forget that day when Goku send them back to Hell.

All the other prisoners were so wearied of being here that one of them finally snapped. "I got Hell Fever!" Shouted Dodoria, one of Freiza’s Hench men as he was shaking all over.

"I Got It Too!" Added Zarbon as his body has a mine of it’s own.

Soon everyone has the bad case of Hell Fever and break out into a song.


Kuri: I got Hell Fever it's burning in my brain!

General Blue: I've got Hell Fever it's driving me insane!


Two of Frieza’s soldiers: We got Hell Fever, we're flipping our scouters! Been stuck in this realm so long we have simply gone bonkers.


All of Hell’s residents: Ariba! Chica chica boom! A chica chica boom boom chic! Chica chica boom! A chica chica boom boom chic!

We got Hell Fever we've lost what sense we had! We got Hell Fever, we're all going mad!

Several of the Red Army dressed up as square dancers and do a little square dance.

A Red Army soldier: Grab your partner by the ears! Lash him to the wheel! Do-si-do step on his toe! Listen to him squeal! Allemande left, allemande right! It's time to fight or throw! Swing your partner over the side! Drop him in the rocks below!

Frieza and Cooler are dressed up as pompous aristocrats.


Frieza: We got Hell Fever.

Cooler: No if's, and's, or but's.

Frieza: We're disoriented.

Cooler: And demented.

Frieza and Cooler: And a little nuts.


The four of the Ginyu Force are now in Swiss yodelers’ clothing: Ach du lieber Volswagen car. (Yodel-lay-ee-hoo) Saur braten viener schnitzel. Und a vunder bar. (Yodel-lay-ee-hoo)

Nappa and Radditz: We were fighting, fighting with victory on our side!

Babi: And then we died.

Cell and Babidi wearing sombreros and red bandanas.

Cell: I've got Hell Fever, I think I've lost my grip.

Babidi: I'd like to get my hands on whoever wrote this songfic.

One of Cell’s spawn: Si!

And now enters King Cold dressed in a Carmen Miranda like outfit and playing a small uklelayi.

King Cold: I was floating across a tropic moon. And dreaming of a strong platoon. Now I'm crazy as a loon.

Now all of Hell’s inhabitants: Hell Fever has ravaged all aboard! We once proud warriors now become of this psycho ward! We were pilarging, plundering headed who knows where. And now though we're all here we're not all there!


(Big Finish!)

Hell Fever!

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