Songs of Reamere: Chapter 1

Published Apr 18, 2022, 6:20:38 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 18, 2022, 6:20:38 AM | Total Chapters 1

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

The salt of the sea clung to the downy, dark blue fur of the blind Chiro as she sat on the docks at what felt like the edge of the world and stung her clouded eyes, leading the bat-like Stryx to close them for the time being.

Though she couldn't see the entirety of the vastness of the ocean with her eyes, her echolocation traveled far across the softly crashing waves before petering out without locking on to anything more substantial.

The vague amount of light they could detect, however, only reinforced the sheer grandeur of the body of water her and her rider were about to take on together.

Her beloved rider himself, Tsiishch'ili T'rahsko, was loading their supplies onto the small ship they would be calling home for the time being, and he had chosen Koralia specifically for her smaller stature. Not that the bat-like girl could really understand his unique, and rather confusing name.

Her feathered Stryx flock members tended to run rather large in size and his usual mount, the Harpia named Keanu wouldn't have been fitting for the task at hand; their boat would only fit so much in its limited space.

As the blue skinned anomaly of a man packed away the small, personal cargo of his, Koralia spent the spare time sharpening her talons and slicking her fur down to combat the sea spray that threatened to ruin her vague semblance of waterproofing.

She liked to believe she was built a little bit better for the situation than she was, but to hell if she wasn't going to do her best to Be that right fit and earn her spot on the long trip.

With all of the small things stashed away and buckled down in their respective places on board, next came the bigger cargo they would be needing for the uncertainty in the mysterious places ahead that awaited them.

Swords, spears, a few bows, and many quivers of arrows were all rolled together in a slew of protective cases of leather, and now was the bat girls' time to shine.

With a swath of soft, high pitched chittering to make sure she missed nothing in her efforts, Koralia picked up each and every roll in her dexterous claws and carried the heavy metal weaponry to their respective allotted places on the 'ship'.

Tsiishch'ili meanwhile, the Chiro's now amused rider, gathered the last of his small things into a back mounted pack as he oversaw the big girls' process and quieted a small laugh. His current partner was as dainty as she was adorable.

While his other partner Stryx would strong arm their duties, Koralia seemed overly cautious with hers; she treated every leather sling with the grace and dignity of a hatchling as if they might shout out if she made some mistake.

With a quick whip of his blue skin and scaled tail, he slide the pack onto his person and strode onto the deck of the boat for the final time, finally past the loading phase himself and onto the next. Checking and double checking all was right with the rigging and that there were no hidden surprises or apertures in anything significant that would cause the two any major problems once they had set sail. There would be no second chances on the high seas.

He nervously ran his fingers through his flamingo hued hair as he strode around the deck tugging on various lines and moorings, anxious that he would be leaving solid land for the foreseeable future, though he felt comfort in the fact his Stryx partner would be with him for every step. When in doubt, climb the bat.

Koralia's ears perked as she heard her rider laugh out loud, albeit softly, and she wondered what exactly was so silly it warranted his interesting voice, but her next job was upon her and she had no time to ponder what was flowing through the head of the slender, long and pointy eared man.

Said job was, put in simple terms, to find the right place to stick her own body for the duration of the long haul; she wasn't quite as small as she preferred to be for this endeavor.

Comfort wasn't exactly about to be the biggest concern on their minds, but neither of the two could afford to have the boat list or, heaven forbid, tip over while at the mercy of the great ocean soon to be before them.

She would have to choose a suitable place that would work for simple rest as well as deep slumber, somewhere cozy but not Too cozy that she couldn't get back out of it.

Though her rider had his own dedicated, if small, space and bed spot in the tiny cabin the 'ship' had, Koralia would have to make due with somewhere rather cramped below deck. Yes it was small, yes it was tight, but it was also safe.

No stray wave could wash her to the side of the deck and injure her or knock something vital over, nor sudden thunder roar cause her to spook and end up in the 'drink', as her rider would affectionately call the water. She would call it 'upsetting', herself.

She exactly didn't dislike water in general, she actually had a great fondness for baths and swimming in the lakes their flock came across in their travels, but something as gigantic and intimidating at the ocean was far beyond Koralia's realm of comfort.

With that being said, it was nearly time to untie the moorings and set sail for the great journey beyond and all it entailed, though what exactly that was was unknown to the increasingly anxious Chiro.

What seemed like countless worries raced through her mind, all more unsettling and distressing than the last. What if it was more dangerous than they planned for? What if the ocean chose to stop their advance into its grasp and swallowed them up in its salty, wet embrace. She had to push these thoughts aside or she would never get back on the boat.

And getting back on the boat was exactly what she had to do, despite the clawing dread, and she then did so, begrudgingly, with her newfound fears figuratively stacked upon her shoulders. Her rider was already ready to depart, as it was, though he seemed to pick up on her distress.

With a final touch of her claws to the ground, the Chiro climbing back aboard the 'ship' and took her place on its deck for the initial stages of leaving the mainland. This was going to be a wild ride.

1,107 words, 6,048 characters.


AP Information:


100 Words (+2AP) - (1,107 words) = +22 AP

Events (+4AP)

Rider (+5AP)

Personal Art (+3AP)

Total: 34 AP

Stryx Used:

Koralia #ds12932

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