January Monthly Challenge collab: Part 1

Published Jan 29, 2022, 4:25:43 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 29, 2022, 4:25:43 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A collab for the January Monthly Challenge. Left-aligned by myself, right-aligned by DesertDumbass. Part 2 coming Soon.

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Chapter NaN: Part 1

Days without dying horrifically in battle:

976 0

“This seems… morbid…” Decima said, squinting at the sign hanging over the door to Maja’s hut.

Maja chuckled. “We have fun with it. Sol doesn’t mind a little ribbing at his expense. Not even that time when a wraith reached into his ribs and pulled out his–”

“Aaaaand I’m gonna stop you right there.”

The Legate of Sol had been leading an excellent campaign battling the wraith invasion up north, but success breeds carelessness, and one of the beasts blindsided him before a ranger could pick it off. The legion had rushed him back to the city, the priests did their little ritual with the flames and the magic powder, and now it was Maja’s job to take care of him while he was in the ‘little chick’ phase of his life.

Decima patted Prendergast’s neck. The casua sat down so she could dismount. “So what did you need me for?”

Maja leaned in close and lowered her voice. “I’m trialling a new chicksitter to take over the job. To be honest with you, I’m not entirely sold on her yet. I need you to keep an eye on her– you know, make sure she doesn’t knock anything over, or assassinate the symbol of our city’s military strength, or feed him avocados.”

“One of those things seems a lot more serious than the others.”

“I knew you’d come through. I’m off to stop Senka from destroying the stables! Play it casual!”

Vanii was brand new to the celebrations, her father had not attended since before she was born and this was the first year he was allowing her to go. But now her being the chosen chicksitter, she was honored and shocked to say the least. She hadn't had much experience with chicks aside from growing up with Olympia, and she prayed to the gods themselves she didn't mess this up.

She of course found the little guy adorable and it was amazing to her that he could be born anew like that. She could imagine it got old after the first few times and just is another day for Sol, but to her it was amazing.

While Maja and Decima had talked, merely a drowned out background noise to the young lady, Olympia and Vanii sat on the ground for the moment while she got acquainted with the chick. Oly was star-struck and in love with the little hatchling, and knew she had to keep a close eye on her handler and the young’n much like Decima was called to do. 

Sitting on the Harpias tail the human girl picked the hatchling up once more, standing up before walking in the direction of Decima and the departing Maja with Olympia right beside her. 

“I can't believe my first year attending and I get to take care of THE Sol. I nearly forgot hatchlings were this adorable!” She laughed, a wide grin on her face. “Do you by chance know how long I might be caring for him?” She asked with an almost child-like tilt of her head.

‘Knowing Maja, as long as she can persuade you to,’ Decima thought. “Well the last time this happened,” she said aloud, “it took him a week to lose his baby fluff, two to fledge, three to go back on the front lines. It’s like he grows bigger right in front of you.”

Prendergast tilted his head at the ball of white fuzz in the girl’s hands. Sol tilted his head right back, but his neck was so scrawny that he toppled over onto his side.

“Upsy-daisy,” Decima said, reaching her hands out to prop him back up. “I’d shake your hand, but, y’know. Name’s Fulvius Valerian. And you?”

“Vanii, Vanii Lillidd” she hummed giggling softly. “It’s bizarre he can grow that quickly! But nice I suppose, he’ll be back on his own in no time. Does he do this every year?” She asked, looking down to the ball of fluffy down in her arms.

Olympia eyed Prendergast, sitting down beside Vanii, she hadn't had much experience with other stryx at least an encounter this personal really. She thankfully wasn't an aggressive type and more so watched the other somewhat distrustfully. Her rider was intimidating enough, at least she seemed nice thus far.

“Are you chick sitting with me as well? If not I could use the help if you wouldn't mind, you seem to know your share.” Decima seemed like a local, especially with how well she knew Maja it seemed, judging by their earlier conversation at least she seemed to be familiar with her. But Vanii didnt even know her way around the city let alone back to where she was staying so to have a local helping her would be nice. “Id understand if not but thought I ought to ask”

Vanii’s demeanor seemed unwaveringly positive, a smile still spread across her lips.

“They do, for Festival of Frost celebrations, but sometimes he gets hurt fighting the wraiths up north, and they do an emergency rebirth to heal him.” Decima wasn’t a big fan of how Sol had to be rushed down and resurrected at all costs, while everyone else was left to die, but that was a conversation for another day.

“You know, I wouldn’t do this for just anyone…” she snuck a glance at Prendergast, who shook his head, “...but come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve got anything scheduled today! I’d be happy to tag along. Spontaneously. For no reason at all.”

The casua rolled his eyes. Clearly, he didn’t realise that this was as subtle as his brutally-honest rider got.

“How’s a day at the arena sound? I hear they’ve got a special match going on at the Grand Amphitheatre today.”

Vanii nodded “I see, that's pretty neat that he can just be reborn and reborn. Could you imagine if everyone could do that,” She hummed. 

Luckily for her Vanii was somewhat oblivious, not really thinking twice of anything or even being slightly suspicious. She lit up like a bonfire “Awesome! Spontaneity is always a gateway to some fun hours ahead” she giggled. “Sounds like a plan to me though, a day at the arena. I'd love to see how you guys do it here in Sol, and I'm sure little munchkin here would love to watch as well.”

She gave the hatchling a little scratch before reaching to do the same to her own Harpia, who gave off an almost purr like sound. She wasn't as oblivious as her owner of course but even she didn't think twice of Decima’s company and was quite excited to visit the arena. Maybe Olympia hadn't noticed the exchange between Decima and her casua, or maybe she just didn't care. Nobody knows, the Harpia wasn't particularly expressive today anyways.

Unlike the little baby Sol, who seemed particularly chittery and vocal. He was so adorable, both Vanii and Oly were just absolutely in love. They just couldn't wait for Olympia to have her own hatchlings one of these seasons.

“Lead the way! No time to waste aye?”

The journey from Maja’s hut to the arena district was a quick ten minute jaunt in calm, cloudy weather. Mountain meltwater was starting to thunder down the aqueducts overhead, spraying the group in cooling mist as they strolled down the cobblestone boulevard, taking in the sights and sounds of Sol in springtime.

It was a metaphorical spring for Outer Sol, too: months after the rhakos attack, after all the chaos and suffering and shortage, the people had finally started to rebuild in earnest. Bamboo scaffolding covered every building, dray-stryx hauled carts of lime and stone from over the hills, builders chatted as they hammered and chiseled.

People were finally feeling safe enough to decorate their houses again. Garlands of coloured beads and pine hung from every door, planters bloomed with spring flowers, and strollers were out and about in their Festival of Frost best, off to their parties and socials or just to the shops.

And hey! They’d even fixed that honking big hole in the Grand Amphitheatre. Just in time, too.

“Five, please,” Decima said to the cashier, holding up two fingers.

“Little ones get in free,” the man replied, taking her baubles and handing her four tickets.

“Lucky us,” she said, passing two tickets to Vanii. “Let’s see what’s on the roster today… ohoho, Invicta versus the Rancorous Rumble. That’s a special match. They never do special matches on festival days! Wonder how many bobs some sponsor spent to get this set up.”

While his rider was busy falling for the follies of mass entertainment, Prendergast. He hadn’t forgotten about Maja’s task– y’know, actually watching Sol and his chicksitters? Was Vanii clasping the little guy too tight? Was that a sinister gleam in Olympia’s eye? Was he overthinking this? All very valid questions indeed.

Vanii enjoyed the sight seeing on their way to the arena, in her mind she was trying to remember as many details as she could, keeping an eye out for anything she might want to paint later on.

“Thank you again for this Decima” she hummed sweetly, taking the tickets happily from her. “Sounds like a special match indeed, I'm so excited!” 

Much like her rider, Olympia was excited for the show; her own suspicions of Prendergast had been long forgotten by now. All which was on her mind was the hatchling and the arena battles. Man it would be nice to be able to battle someday, show off her skills for once. Of course she never got the opportunity in her day to day life unless she was fighting off a bear bothering the horses or bothering Vanii and her father. Baby Sol still sat in Vanii’s arms, and Olympia leaned her head down to gently nuzzle the soft little ball of feathers with her beak.

“Aren't you just the most precious thing ever” she chirped softly before turning to Prendergast, “isn't he just adorable?” she asked the casua, finding it high time her and the stryx had a conversation of their own. “Im Olympia by the way” 

Vanii became aware of the chittering sounds Oly made, they were soft but they were there and she smiled giving her best friend some gentle scratches. “Are you three excited for the show?” she asked, then looking down to the chick in her hands. “Do you think he’d be safe to let down, maybe he can play with Oly and your Casua?”

“You wouldn’t say that if you’ve seen him on the front lines,” Prendergast replied. Not that he’d seen such a thing himself, but the stories that trickled in from the legionnaires were legendary. Picture a bright orange phoenix on the battlefield, sweeping over the snow and roasting foul wraiths with a streaming volley of flames. Glorious!

“Ah, he’ll be fine,” Decima said, scooping Sol up in her arms and plonking him firmly atop Prendergast’s back. “Prends here has all the certifications needed to work as a service animal. Sure, they’re all for mobility assistance, but babysitting can’t be all that different, right? Now quick, let’s get in before the good seats are taken.”

Prendergast did his best imitation of a raptor as he followed the group: Slow, wide, deliberate steps, keeping his back as stiff as possible. His rider’s custom side saddle was great for keeping a disabled woman upright, not so much a little chick. Every little shift in weight and he’d snap his head around, just to see Sol sitting prim and perfect, cheeping away.

By the time he emerged from the vomitorium into the great rising stands of the cavea, he remembered one crucial detail: Decima loved to get seats all the way at the very top of those steep marble steps. And there they were now, already halfway up to the top.

“Oh no.”

“Sounds understandable, come his adulthood I might be too intimidated to even breathe in his direction” she joked, still gawking at the hatchling as Decima sat him on Prendergast. “But until you're an intimidated warrior you're just a precious little baby” she cooed. 

Following behind Prends the harpia giggled at the two, particularly the way he walked and would sharply turn his head to check on the chick. The fluff wasn't even remotely having a problem it seemed to her, and so his reactions were amusing. Maybe she just got used to being a little more careless, knowing how her rider was anyways.

“That's cool he’s service certified, I’m sure it makes him more than qualified to babysit, Oly just has had to deal with me for the last I dont even know how long so she's practically raised a hatchling at this point” she joked. “My father likes to say I'm gonna give her grey feathers”

Vanii was sure to follow Decima closely, in awe at the pure size of the inside of the arena to start, lighting up with excitement for the event.

“Oh no? You alright?” Olympia asked, gazing around the arena. “Wow this place is impressive! Ive never been in one like this” She looked back to the casua and Sol, tilting her head before ruffling up her feathers a bit, shaking them out like she had a chill.

"Just a little… balancing act," Prendergast replied, extending one careful leg in front of the other. His lineage had been carefully bred to minimize the 'bouncing' gait that most casuas were known for, but he could still feel Sol wobbling around on his back with every step.

One foot at a time, that was it. Or, he could just throw in the towel and sit lower down.

Meanwhile, something was moving around down in the arena. Workers bustled about, laying down obstacles and setting traps all over the dirt floor. Judging from the large chunks of ice they were hauling in, Decima guessed that they were going to simulate a historical battle. Possibly the Rout of Peralanum?

"You're doing great, Prends!" she hollered down at her mount. Really, this whole plan was a stroke of tactical genius. Take baby Sol out of Vanii's hands, give him to someone she trusted, and leave the newbies none the wiser! And Vanii never suspected a thing.

“Do you need help?” Olympia asked, walking decently close to Prends, anxious on her own watching the hatchling wobble a little as they made their way up the marble steps, keeping her head close in hopes of being able to steady Sol if needed. Floppy little baby wasn't he.

Vanii glanced down at their stryx, giggling softly watching the two make their way up the steps. With how concerned Oly looked and how focused Prendergast was, well it was quite the scene in her eyes. Was especially nice to see Olympia getting some socialising though.

“You can see literally everything from up here!” She exclaimed. Both Oly and Vanii indeed were very naive and unsuspecting of the situation. Neither thought twice about it, Decima and Prendergast were wonderful company, and the harpia was thankful for the casua pulling more weight to say the least and carrying the fluff ball of feathers. Definitely didn't look easy.

“Why does your rider sit so high up?” she asked him with a slight joyful tone, almost giggling. She hopped a little extra forward, shoving her beak against Sol's side gently as she watched the chick tilt to the side just a little too much…

“She says it gives her a better view. Oh, and on certain special matches, the lower rows tend to be… eh… splash zones.”

Prendergast nodded in gratitude as he felt Olympia shift Sol back in place. They were about two thirds of the way up the cavea, and as soon as he saw an empty spot large enough for two stryx, he turned in and plopped himself down. Eh, good enough. He patted his wing stub on the space next to him, beckoning Olympia to sit.

Down on the arena floor, the workers had just about finished moving the props in place. As they disappeared through the side doors, he saw the announcer, an orc in a fancy toga, step up to a platform atop the highest gallery in the amphitheatre. He held up a spell scroll, ripped it in half, and immediately his voice boomed across the whole arena, loud enough for even the summa cavea folk on the other side to hear.

“Welcome, welcome all, to today’s special match! We’ve had a rough few weeks, folks, a truly unfortunate start to the new year. But you’re in for a special treat today, yes indeed! The gens Erucia have reached deep into their coffers and pulled out all the stops on today’s special match. You know her, you loved her in Invicta versus Valentina, the reigning champion of the Grand Amphitheatre, Novius Invicta!”

The double doors on the arena floor burst open, and an enormous harpia in full golden battle armour sprinted onto the floor to cheers from the audience. She raised her wings high and breathed a bolt of white lightning into the air, followed by a boom of thunder that shook the amphitheatre. Prendergast felt the tips of his feathers stand on end.

“Yes, with a staggering 80% win ratio in 20 official matches, Invicta is well on her way to making the Sol Triple Diadem. But can she hold her own when the odds are turned against her? May I present to you, the Rancorous Rumble!”

A shadow fell over him, and Prendergast looked up to see a swarm of stryx swooping into the ring from every direction. A handful of runners stood up from the ima cavea and leapt into the arena, landing with a thud and a clank of armour. There had to be fifteen, maybe even more, highly trained arena fighters coming into the ring. Invicta turned her head this way and that, taking them all in, perhaps measuring up her strategy.

“These twenty greenhorns are eager to climb the ranks. If just one of them manages to take down the reigning champion, they’ll gain her title and all the prestige that comes with it. If they lose? Well, better luck next time, eh, folks?”

Sol perked his head up and chirruped happily. Hmm, come to think of it, how much of his past lives did he really remember? Was there an adult mind in there right now, trapped in a baby’s body, unable to articulate his true feelings? Whoops, got a little too existential there.

“Combatants, take your places. Stretch a little, get those nerves out. And may the strongest, the most cunning, the toughest, win.”

“Staying out of any splash zone is always a plus” 

When Prendergast found them a good spot and patted the seat next to him she took her place beside him, she was finding she enjoyed his presence actually. Nice to have a form of companionship. She looked over her shoulder and up at Vanii and Decima. She was a little anxious not being with her rider, the girl was intelligent but impulsive and she liked being there to make sure things went smoothly for her. But she was with Decima and she seemed trust worthy enough to leave her rider in her hands.

Turning back to the arena Olypia was in pure awe. “There's no way she can take on all of them!” she exclaimed, shifting her body forward in anticipation as all of the stryx made their way into the arena. “Do you think she’s gonna keep her title? And wow, could you imagine wearing all that armour, they look so amazing.” Oly would love to have a good battle really, of course the harpias had her encounters hunting and with wild predators while defending her rider but battling another stryx in an arena battle, being a champion seemed so awesome.

“You agree too huh Sol” she chittered, noticing out of the corner of her vision how the chick perked up. “I hear you're gonna be doing stuff even cooler than this in no time.” she purred, practically glowing with how happy and excited she seemed.

“Have you ever done something like this? I could really see you pulling off armour like that, you know. I've never had the chance for something this interesting, just defending Vanii and myself and that's quite seriously a life or death situation… They don't fight to the death in an arena battle do they? Or is it just like to the brink of death?”

She hoped she didnt come off as stupid or too annoying to the casua, she was new to so much in the city alone, including all of this. Her curious need for knowledge and her excitement definitely was getting the best of her. That's what happens when you keep your space from the major cities, she’d been in smaller villages and of course on their farm, but everything in Sol was a step up.

“Me? In the circled square? Never,” Prendergast chuckled. “I mean, Decima’s got a prizefighter of her own, she fights in Daius Regem on the other side of the arena district. Me, I’m her best friend, her companion, her support animal. Never even considered doing anything else.”

“As you all know, the Arena Standard Rulebook goes out the window during Rumble matches. Anything goes, except death, of course. Yields are signalled by retreat, surrender, or knockout. Begin!”

A bell clanged from atop the announcer’s platform; as if on cue, the Rancorous Rumble swarmed over Invicta, burying her in a mass of flailing wings and tails and armour.

“WOO!” Decima shouted from somewhere behind him. “Get her! Spill some blood!”

Man, she sure went feral for these special matches.

“Invicta’s trained in the Dimachaerus style, and those three corvas over there seem to be Provocators. Decent defence to counter that aggressive Dimi rush,” Prendergast rattled off, in that typical Solish ‘the other person definitely knows what all these words mean’ way. “If they could just get in her blind spot… ooh, there it is–”

One of the aforementioned corvas had managed to climb onto her back unnoticed while Invicta was busy wing slapping the other combatants away. He raised his iron-spurred wing guard to stab downwards… but then a cara leapt up and body slammed him right off her. The clang of armour on armour got Invicta’s attention, and her tail swung up and slammed into the cara, sending him flying into the arena wall with a screech of bending metal.

“Ooooh, straight out of the Guile playbooks, that one! Only one winner can walk out of that circle as the Grand Champion today, and it won’t be Druinfeld Mettius!”

Around this time, Prendergast noticed that his back had gotten just a little bit lighter. He turned his head around and found a stunning lack of baby Sol in the saddle.

He let out a strangled gasp, resisting the urge to leap up out of his seat. “Oly. Oly, don’t move an inch, but do you happen to see a tiny white fluff ball anywhere around you?”

“I gotcha, that's how Vanii and I are, except she has no other stryx, '' she laughed softly. “But Ive grown accustomed to protecting her, she can get herself into trouble you know, trying to pet bear cubs or a boar. She's a wild one for sure.” Oly glanced up at Decima giggling as she heard her own rider cheering on right with her. “Seems here there very similar in the wild aspect”

As the creatures swarmed in on the Harpia, Olympia watched them battle closely while listening to her casua companion. “So… I take it Dimachaerus is a type of… aggressive style offense?” she asked. “Oh ouch! Thats gotta hurt!”

As Prends noticed the missing Sol Olympia took a deep breath before gazing around them, looking behind her, lifting her wings up a little and looking around where the sat. “How could he just vanish like that” she exclaimed, sitting up and back a little more to try and get even a glimpse of the ball of feathers anywhere. “What do we do Prends, we gotta find him, he couldn't have gone far, his legs are too tiny.” It took everything she had to not have a near panic attack but she had to remember that Vanii was the queen at a disappearing game like this. Sol will be fine theyll find him soon. She hoped.

“He may be little, but he’s got a strong will,” Prendergast grumbled, looking down the row under everyone’s legs. No white fluff there– wait! Oh, never mind, that was just someone’s little dog.

“That’s seven Rumblers out of the ring now, folks– Tullytoft Prima quite literally out!” Right on cue, a chiro went flying over the seats, squealing in terror. “Invicta has held out impressively-long for a Dimachaerus. Those twin blades sure do hold down the fort!” The giant harpia was a blur of feathers, wheeling around the arena with her bladed wing guards held out, smacking smaller stryx around and slicing through half-ton ice blocks like butter.

Prendergast caught something moving out of the lower corner of his eye. A spinning white mass of fluff precariously perched on the guard railing– it was baby Sol, imitating the action down in the arena!

He poked Olympia in the side, then pointed with his beak. Hopefully she got the message, but if not, he was going down there anyway. Time was of the essence.

‘Play it casual-like,’ he thought to himself. ‘The humans don’t have to know about this.’

“Oh boy,” he said calmly, snapping to his feet so fast he was pretty sure he heard something crack in there, “I sure could go for a snack right now.”

“Keep it under 200 bobs!” Decima hollered down at him.

“You aint a kiddin” she said, looking up from their task hearing what was going on down in the arena. Then she felt Prends nudge and she looked to where he pointed. “Oh gods hes gonna fall in '' she gulped before tilting her head at Prends. Food? At a time like this?

It took the harpia a moment before she caught on, hopping up as well to follow “Right, all this action… has me parched” she hummed trying to stay calm, her head shooting up towards Decima and Vanii. “You too Oly!” she called out, waving at her stryx with a grin. 

Oly hoped the two were getting along and enjoying themselves while her and Prendergast were on hatchling duty. But the last thing the two stryx needed was their riders finding out they let Sol get himself into any dangerous predicaments, him on the railing was dangerous enough for such a little thing.

“What should we do?” she asked, at a loss. It wasn't often Oly looked to someone else for guidance, but being new in the city, new with hatchlings, with everything here, she had to. And Prends was the only one she had that she could look to. “We gotta be careful or he could fall or jump into the area” she kept her voice low of course, she didn't want to attract any unwanted attention with her chittering and chirps.

Man It was like caring for Vanii all over again, except she didn't have to worry about making a scene or it being someone else’s creature she was caring for. And Vanii was at least a teenager before getting herself into something even remotely similar to this.

“If we weren't in the arena I would just fly to grab him but…”

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