Browsing items with tag: #ike

  • Happy Halloween! Ike complete

    Nov 1, 2008, 4:28:49 AM | 1 minutes

    Mike's costume is done and looked great!

    From Halloween 2008 Ike, Link

    I had to work late on Wednesday night so I had less time to spend on Mike's costume. On Thursday evening Mike tried on his costume and we realized that we could do without the pauldron+chest piece so we'll save that for another time. Also we did not do the black boot covers. Since we decided to not do those pieces, I had a chance to do some changes to my costume. I made a new set of pants that are stretchy and more slim fitting and fixed my chainmail that broke at AX. Pants are still a little loose but I can bring in the seams more.

    And we looked mighty fine!

    From Halloween 2008 Ike, Link

     I think I'm going to retire my TP Link costume for a year or two. The next costume I make is going to be simple and comfortable.

  • 3 days 'till Halloween

    Oct 29, 2008, 4:16:34 AM | 1 minutes

    Another quick update...

    The headband, red skirt, and wig are complete. I did the cuting on the wig and decided not to do any spikey styling to it. It looks fine how it is. I might try spiking it for Fanime.

    Final items to create in order of priority are :

    1. pauldron+chest piece (5%) - 4-6 hours
    2. pants (95% bring in seems) - 10 minutes
    3. boots (50% create black wraps) - 2 hours

    So I have another 6 to 8 hours of work ahead of me. I should have time Thursday night but tomorrow I will be pretty busy.

    I likely wont have time to fix my chain mail or make my new pants for my link costume :(

  • 4 days 'till Halloween

    Oct 27, 2008, 6:16:29 PM | 1 minutes

    This is just a quick update.

    Late last night I finished Mike's coat. It turned out pretty good! I'm excited and can't wait to finish the rest of his costume. I don't have photos yet but I will.

    I purchased boots online for Mike that are almost identical to the $7 pair I found at Goodwill for my Link costume. I received them in the mail last week thankfully!

    Major elements left to finish for the Ike costume:

    • Headband - 30 min. of work
    • Red skirt - 30 min.
    • Pants - 10 min.
    • wig - 1-2 hours
    • gloves - 2 hours
    • pauldron, breast plate - 4-6 hours
    • black leggings on boots - 2 hours


    For my costume, I will be Link again. I hope I have time to make a new pair of pants. I found a better material that's stretchy. Should take a couple hours to make. Also my chainmail is broken. Much of it broke at my last con. It will probably take 5 hours of work at least to repair it.

    I might be staying up late the next few nights to try and get everything done.

  • Ike Costume - finished jacket pattern, gloves, belt

    Oct 23, 2008, 4:20:18 PM | 2 minutes

    The prototype for Ike's jacket is complete. I've made it into pattern pieces and laid it out on my fabric for cutting. I've already cut the pieces but it's not shown here. I only have a week left to actually put it together. I hope I can do it!

    From Cosplay Ike, the Making Of

    The main belt is done. My photos show part of the process. The belt took about a total of 3 hours to make.

    From Cosplay Ike, the Making Of

    I started working on a prototype for the gloves last night and it went very well. It took about an hour and a half to do while watching tv and stuff. I have some photos of the prototype:

    From Cosplay Ike, the Making Of

     I will probably start sewing the jacket tonight or tomorrow. No more tv for me from now until Halloween! I have a lot still left to do.


    Status of major items that I must have done:


    wig - 50%

    I have the wig. I just need to style it

    green head band - 0%

    This will only take an hour to make.

    cape - 100%

    Did this in a couple hours

    blue jacket - 45%

    The prototype is complete but now I need to make the final piece. It has a lot of trim so it will take some time to make.

    gloves - 20%

    Prototype is done. Need to cut final fabric and sew.

    main belt - 99%

    Just need to cut the holes for the buckle to go through but I don't want to do that until Mike is in the costume.

    pants - 90%

    Pants are mostly done. But they're fitting a little loose so I'll probably bring them in a bit.

    sword - 100%

    bought from party store


  • Ike Costume - prototyping

    Oct 17, 2008, 4:27:53 AM | 2 minutes

    Mike's Ike costume is going well though I'm a bit behind schedule. The prototype for the jacket is done and I'm ready to start cutting the final pieces for it. We went through several phases of fitting. The only thing that I really had trouble with was the collar. It wasn't until the third try that I got the right idea for how to do it. Mike's a little confused by the whole thing. He's wondering why his jacket is white instead of blue. I keep having to explain that its a prototype, lol.

    Ike Costume status:


    wig - 50%

    I have the wig. I just need to style it

    green head band - 0%

    cape - 100%

    Did this in a couple hours

    From Cosplay Ike, the Making Of

    blue jacket - 40%

    The prototype is complete but now I need to make the final piece. It has a lot of trim so it will take some time to make.

    From Cosplay Ike, the Making Of

    gloves - 0%
    red skirt - 50-100%

    I intend to cut up my old Red Link costume to be used for the skirt. Or might not cut it up at all and Mike can just wear it underneath his jacket.

    pauldron, chest piece - 5%

    I created the patterns for the pauldron and chest leather piece. Both pieces will be made out of craft foam and the belt will be made out of fabric similar to my TP Link costume

    main belt - 0%

    This piece won't take long to make

    sword belt - 0%

    This piece won't take long to make either

    pants - 90%

    Pants are mostly done. But they're fitting a little loose so I'll probably bring them in a bit.

    boots - 0%

    These involve a few pieces. Brown boots with black legging pieces and metal tips. I haven't found brown boots yet. If I can't find any, then I wont make the boot leggings/tips and he can just wear my black knee high boots

    sword - 100%

    Found a sword that looks almost exactly like Ike's from the party store

    From Cosplay Ike, the Making Of
  • My Next Cosplay Endeavor - Ike

    Sep 14, 2008, 6:41:36 AM | 2 minutes
    From Cosplay Ike, the Making Of
    I've been meaning to get around to making my boyfriend, Mike, a nice Halloween costume. For the past couple years he's been wearing an old Link costume that I made for him like 4 years ago. In 2006 I started working on a Gandalf-like wizard costume that I never finished. Last year I was completely dedicated to my Twilight Princess Link costume. But this year I'm going to devote my time to a special costume just for him.
    He wants to be Ike from Fire Emblem and I'm pumped about making it. It's going to be even better than the TP Link costume.
    As for what I'll be wearing this year, I'll likely be TP Link again. I don't want to make a lame costume at the last minute. I did think about possibly doing Zarbon from Zarbon's Masterpiece Theater but he's such an obscure character that no one will know who he is. Ike is pretty obscure too though. But both Zarbon and Ike would be interesting visually even if people don't recognize the specific characters.
    Anyway, I've started putting together a list of fabrics I'll need and making an inventory of all the costume pieces. I'll likely buy the bulk of the fabric this weekend and next weekend. I've done a bunch of measurements and know roughly how much of each fabric I will need.
    I will blog the progress of this costume as I did with the TP Link costume.