Writing section will be closed Friday. Pagiarist banned.

The Writing section in both the Red Curtain and in Paper Demon will be CLOSED most of the day friday while I perform site maintenence.

You know all of those weird characters you've been seeing in the writing section? Well, I'm finally going to have a chance to fix them. Basically what happened was during the site move, the fancy* versions of the apostrophies and double quotes got converted into weird symbols, probably because this symbol isn't really supported by the web and the text format the data was backed up in. It is fixable though.

I will shut down the writing section and do some good ol' Find and Replace on the text. I will also do that formatting I promised I would do to make the writing section more compatable with FCK editor. This compatability issue creates big gaps between paragraphs. This will also be fixed, at least for preventing gaps, when I shut down the writing section.

*By fancy, I mean the curly versions of ' and ". Normally, when you type a single or double quote, it is the web safe version. But when you type in a word processor such as Microsoft Word, those characters are converted into curled symbols which aren't web safe and aren't included in all text character sets.

Some Design Changes
On another note, I've also changed the display font in the forum to be that of the font in the FCK editor so that it's easier to preview your forum post.

In Other News
On Monday, I had to ban another member. Actually, I banned him a few months ago for abusing Paper Demon for promotional purposes. He created a new account though and posted artwork that wasn't even his. He made me even more angry by posting more than the limit of three images at a time. This guy KNEW about it and didn't care. He was even warned by another member about it but he just didn't listen.

I banned him whilst he was still online and posting art but bannishment doesn't take effect until the next time the member logs on. I had a problem there because he just kept on posting, even though I was deleting his work from the site. So I took a look at his online activity and noticed something cool; he had a static IP address!  WHAM! I banned him via IP address so he couldn't access the site anymore.

I don't know if any of you saw, but he did make a couple posts in the forum advertising his contest. I would have deleted them but I wanted to have a public record of his activities. Did any of you visit his website to see his contest rules? DON'T SEND HIM YOUR ARTWORK! By sending him your art, you are forfeiting all rights to the work. It says it right in his contest rules. So basically he is geting in work from his contest and then posting it on art sites, claiming it as his own work! This is the lowest of lows! Feel free to flame! His email addresses are [email protected] and [email protected]

What kind of person do you have to be to do this sort of thing? He needs to be ducktaped to our Shame Tree with the other plagiarists.