Site in Read Only Mode

If you were on the site today you may have noticed that the site was in Read Only Mode. I've made a lot of changes that may have resulted in errors throughout the site. Be on the look out for Template Error. If you see this error, send me a private message or email with a link to the page. There are so many places where this can pop up that I can't possibly predict where all of them will be.

By the way, LavenderGoddessV and I have been trying to get that darn FCK editor (the editor when you post writing) to work well with Microsoft word. Well, there's a BIG programming flaw that I'll have to compensate for either tomorrow or tonight which will require me to put the site back in read only mode again and edit EVERY entry in the writing database. I may have to do it for the forum and for the critiques as well since I may end up making the FCK editor available in those places too.

Anyway, let me know if you see any errors.