BogusRed is back

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack! Glad to see things haven't completely fallen apart around here. I missed you guys. Wow there's been a lot of activity around here. Lots of fan art and forum posts. And even my buddy PsychoKittyNet has returned. :wave: :wave: :wave:

It does look like something bad did happen while I was away. I came back to to find a lowely spammer lurking in our midsts. His name is [user354] and he has recently spammed by posting one of his art pieces and just puting nothing but a link to his website in the description. I find it highly offensive when someone just signs up and posts purely for the reasons of advertising for their lame little website. His post has been documented and deleted and he has been banned from

If you ever see anyone doing this on the site, notify me and I will look into it. It really makes me sad when someone does that. It feels like theft to me for some reason. Especially when the website is really really lame as this one was.

Ugh I just can't get over it. :annoyed: Now I have to go write him a formal letter of bannishment...