
Open group | 555 Members

Vault Requests [CLOSED]

  1. Posted on Jun 11, 2020, 5:45:29 PM UTC
    ID: 29344 | #1
    Level 1


    The Vault contains Baubles and Tokens


    To Deposit Token or Baubles, fill out the following form and reply to this thread...


    Proof of Earnings: [Comment URL]

    Type of Earnings: [List Bauble amount and/or Token type and amount]


    Total Baubles: [If making multiple redeems]

    Total Tokens: [If making multiple redeems]




    To Transfer Token or Baubles, fill out the following form and reply to this thread...


    Items to Transfer: [Tokens and/or Baubles]

    Transfer To: [userID]



    To convert Tokens, fill out the following form and reply to this thread...


    Player Log: [Link your Player Log here. If you do not have one, please request one Here before making any transfers]]

    Convert From: [# and type of token, i.e. 1 Gold]

    Convert To: [# and type of token, i.e. 2 Silver]




    To Redeem Items for Baubles, fill out the following form and reply to this thread...


    Player Log: [Link your Player Log here. If you do not have one, please request one Here before making any transfers]

    Ownership proof: [Comment URL or Inventory]

    Bauble Value: 

    Item 1 [bauble worth] 

    Item 2 [bauble worth]

    Survivalist?:  [If yes, link your proof of career]


    Total Baubles: [If making multiple redeems]




    To Redeem a Wisp Set, fill out the following form and reply to this thread...


    Player Log: [Link your Player Log here. If you do not have one, please request one Here before making any transfers]

    Requested Reward: [10k Bauble or 2 Gold Tokens]

    Proof of Wisps: [provide links for each or say "in inventory']




    You do not need to comment here if you are transferring items that are not in your Vault, Bank, or Inventory. For those types of transfers, you may reply to the original item comment with "x transferred to @/user", just like with genos.




    Gold Token by AlphaStryx


    Conversion rate:

    3 Wood = 1 Copper

    2 Copper = 1 Silver

    2 Silver = 1 Gold




    Wisp Collection by AlphaStryx


    If you've acquired a complete set of wisps (Owl, Raven, Stag, Wolf, Bear & Stryx) instead of redeeming them individually for their bauble value, you can redeem them all together to receive your choice of either 10,000 Baubles or 2 Gold Tokens.


    In addition to the Baubles/Tokens, redeeming a wisp set makes you eligible for the Wisp Collection trophy (pictured above). You can take your wisp set treasury redemption comment as proof and go to Import Info Changes to have the trophy applied to a stryx of your choosing.

    Please remember to fill out the correct forms correctly, otherwise your requests may be delayed by admins needing to clarify with you!

    Last edited by Twimper on May 18, 2021, 12:14:17 PM UTC. 6 total edits.

  2. Posted on Jun 11, 2020, 6:08:59 PM UTC
    ID: 29352 | #2
    Level 1

    Administration Area


    Please link any requests that are pending review here.

    Pending Comments:



    After you have finished your run, please link the most recently finished request here so that the next admin can click straight to the end of the queue. Use the post # link.


    Top of Queue: https://www.paperdemon.com/app/forums/dracostryx-treasury/5266/vault-requests-open-/34#forum-post-44317

    Last edited by Kageh on Aug 3, 2023, 7:58:49 PM UTC. 80 total edits.

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