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News Update - Aug 28

News Update - Aug 28, 2023

As the heat of the summer begins to wane, the spark of fall alights on an old machine. Magic races through its veins and it shudders to life, startling a flock of tytos nested at its crest. Rust flakes off of the joints, orange and brown joining the beginnings of autumn leaves in piles on the ground. 
Admin awakes, turning their moonlike eye upon Wyvera once again...


Newbie Update

We are in the process of building a newbie guide that will help new players start the game by learning in bite sized pieces.

->Adopting Your First Stryx page has been updated! A trio of aviaries dedicated to the refinement of their trademark brand of Stryx have opened their doors to new fanciers. New players may now choose from three premade imports, and they will also receive a welcome pack! (Lackadaisy Loft is still an option for the brave who wish to design their first geno themselves.)

->Training Your Stryx page, as well as Blindness and Arena training, have been updated! We have expanded prompts, made minor tweaks (reduced lit requirements, added optional default AP, simplified and clarified rules), and added loot drops across all training activities. Make sure to read through the new guides before you submit future training entries!


Clean Up + Guide Updates

We will be cleaning up guides at a similar level to the ones above as we go into the fall months. We'll keep you updated as things change! Our next task is rebuilding the Crossroads page that will serve as a clean directory that has a brief explanation of each of our activities. 
We have several major updates and new mechanics planned for 2024, but we'll be shifting our focus to make sure that the game remains playable and continues to have new content even while we're touching up the workings of the game.



Design approvals are still closed. As a reminder, we are making major changes behind the scenes, including collapsing overlapping markings (think tips + stains, banding + brindle, ect) and expanding rules for remaining markings.

We will be releasing the new guides ASAP! 

There will be a grace period that ends with the end of 2023 where designs made under old rules will be allowed to pass. As of 2024, we will only be accepting designs created under the new rules.

All new DracoStryx submitted after design reopens will have their genotypes updated to the new geno set. We will either have a publicly available conversion tool, or we will give you the updated geno when you submit your Stryx into Approvals.

You will not have to update the geno on any of your old Stryx. We will do it as we go on the admin end!

More information about design and new genotypes will be released when we're ready to show you the guides and explain the new submission process!


Great Harvest 2023

The Great Harvest is planned for October as usual. We've got a few new things in store, so keep an eye out and get your pumpkin snatching claws ready!



-3 premade import options added for new players.

-Newbie welcome pack implemented.

-Newbie guide started.

-Improved clarity both textually and visually across all three training guides.

-Reduced lit requirement from 600 to 500 words to closer match AP count for art requirements.

-Added a +200 words requirement for additional stryx in training entries past the first one. Reasoning: An extra drawn stryx would be 7AP. 200 words is 6AP.

-Added a default AP option across all training (15AP).

-Added battle rank info to arena training guide.

-Added new prompts to Basic Training and Arena Training.

-Removed the extra stryx/rider requirement for Tier 4 - Strength for Basic Training.

-New merged geno/marking list finalized.

-New design guide text finished.

-Visual aids for new design guides started.

-Great Harvest prep started, several assets completed.

-Misc additional tweaks.