
Open group | 555 Members

1. Progression: The Path to Ascension

The Path to Ascension

Every time you or someone else draws your Stryx, you accumulate Ascension Points (AP).
The more points you get, the closer your stryx comes to Ascension, with all its perks and bonuses, and extra breeding slots!

AP System

All your stryx artwork and literature counts for AP.
To know how much, please review to AP System Guide:

Alpha HeraldLegendary HeraldAscended Herald

Welcome to the AP Guide Overview

Bullet; Green Guide Up to Date         Bullet; Yellow Guide Revamp WIP            Bullet; Red No Guide

Base AP

- 2d Art -

-To count as a fullbody, an image must depict approximately 75% of the stryx.

- Literature -

-Literature does NOT gather background bonuses. You do not need to specially format or highlight your work anymore, we factored those bonuses into base AP so creators don't need to mark up their work and admins don't need to check for extra bonuses.

-Event + Activity Bonuses and Buddy Bonuses may be gained.

-Make sure all stryx play an active role in the story or their appearance may not count for full AP.

- Sculpture -

-Recolored sculptures do NOT gain the base fullbody/head points, only the recolor points.

-Currently, backgrounds and Event + Activity Bonuses are NOT supported in sculpture.

- Animation -

-Can gather Event + Activity and Buddy Bonuses at double the  base rate of the bonus PER  ANIMATION not per frame. If your animation counts for an event bonus, it would receive +8AP for the event instead of the usual +4AP.

-Gains background bonus at normal rate per background. If there are different 'scenes' with individually drawn backgrounds that count for the background bonus, each separate background will receive the bonus once. Backgrounds with pans only count as one background.

-Never simplified.

- Animatic -

  • Bullet; Red Short [15-20 frames] (+25AP)
    • Color (+15AP)
  • Bullet; Red Medium [20-60 frames] (+35AP)
    • Color (+20AP)
  • Bullet; Red Long [60+ frames] (+50AP)
    • Color (+30AP)
-Frames must be unique to count towards frame count. 

-Includes all frames where the stryx is distinguishable as a stryx.

-Can gather Event + Activity and Buddy Bonuses at double the  base rate of the bonus PER ANIMATIC not per frame. If your animatic counts for an event bonus, it would receive +8AP for the event instead of the usual +4AP.

-Gains background bonus at normal rate per background. If there are different 'scenes' with individually drawn backgrounds that count for the background bonus, each separate background will receive the bonus once. Backgrounds with pans only count as one background.

-Never simplified.



- Simplified -

-The simplified modifier is applied when an creator makes a piece significantly below their skill level, or too simplified to be clear.

- Comic Modifier-

  • Bullet; Red Headshot Frame (+4AP)
  • Bullet; Red Fullbody Frame (+6AP)
-AP for comics may be simplified, but the comic bonus itself is never halved.

-In order to count for the comic bonus, the art must be in one single piece and convey an identifiable story sequence.

-Comics submitted for activities and events may only earn the activity/event reward ONCE.

-Comics submitted for events may  gather the event AP for each frame that fulfills the event requirements.

Activities and Events

-A single piece may only count for ONE bonus from the Activities and Events section.

-Pieces will only count for these bonuses if they fulfill the prompt requirements.

- Lifetime Awards -

-Training and Tribute completion bonuses may only be earned ONCE per stryx.

- Activities -

- Events -



- Background Bonuses-

-Backgrounds should have depth, including a fore, middle, and background.

-There should be some shading on background elements.

-Photos may not be used as backgrounds, though you may reference photos that you own the rights to.

- Buddy Bonuses -

  • Bullet; Green Bonded
    • Pairbond (+2AP)
    • Lifebond (+2AP)
(When depicted with assigned stryx)
(Extra bonus to all AP for their assigned 
stryx even when not depicted)
(All hunting/fishing entries with their
assigned stryx even when not depicted)
  • Komodo Dragons (+1AP)

- Personal Bonuses -

Stryx must meet the activity requirements to claim career bonuses below. Other players may gain this bonus for their stryx if they link proof of your career. 
  • Bullet; Green Breeder (+2AP to all stryx in Bonding images made by you. If the image is made by someone else, it applies to only your stryx.)
  • Bullet; Green Survivalist (+2AP to all stryx in Hunting, Fishing, and Scavenging entries made by you. If the image is made by someone else, it applies to only your stryx.)
  • Bullet; Green Champion (+2AP to all stryx in Battle/Show/Race entries made by you. If the image is made by someone else, it applies to only your stryx.)



Feedback and Help

If you'd like more personalized feedback on any questions you have, we'd recommend joining our Discord! We have lots of helpful admins and community members who are ready and willing to help you.

Flipped Feather AP Calculator (Temporary Version)Feather