Comment 95875

Comment ID 95875

[Art] Nolous in Profile
May 23, 2020, 7:55:24 PM UTC on [Art] Nolous in Profile
The scales turned out lovely! I really like the sense of form you've conveyed with your shading, and I'm a sucker for teal+copper color palettes. You've also captured the sunset/sunrise lighting beautifully, even with only a tiny patch of visible sky. Beautiful!


  • May 25, 2020, 1:33:47 AM UTC
    Shading and texturing is my drug, I love that part of art to pieces and it shows! Grin It's delightful watching things pop out with the right tones. I can very much relate about the teal and copper combo, for me it can be generalized to a nice combo of several blues with orange but it is satisfying to look at (I have plans to paint my room a pastel orange and blue actually, haha).

    It's actually sunset here, sunrises tend to have whiter light for some reason, where sunsets have very saturated colors in general. I'm not as practiced with sunrises as I'd hope to be, but that might make for a good goal for some future pieces actually. Thank you!