Comment 94170

Comment ID 94170

[Art] Devil Mametchi Swarm
Nov 19, 2018, 4:49:21 PM UTC on [Art] Devil Mametchi Swarm
I'm sorry you're still struggling with health problems.

Even trying to get healthy can cause us stress sometimes. I'm still recovering from my repetitive strain injury and all of the physical therapy tasks they gave me were so overwhelming, it was creating more stress for me. One of my therapist finally just said don't worry about the exercises that were giving you. Just focus on alternating cardio and yoga each day. It is way simpler and I can manage it now.

I look forward to seeing more art from you whenever you're ready! The community is here for you to uplift your spirits if you ever need help! I know I need it sometimes too. Just do what you can in a way that's reasonable for you without causing stress.


  • Nov 21, 2018, 7:33:32 PM UTC
    Many thanks, BogusRed. Smile

    I hope your strain injuries improve. I get something similar, only in my case it's more to do with having naturally stiff muscles. Most of my health problems are genetic so there isn't usually much I could do to prevent them, though stress reduction helps.