Comment 90087

Parent Comment

Feb 24, 2016, 1:14:55 AM UTC
That sounds really cool, though!! I'll be excited when you're ready to start putting it out there. I'll be one of your readers. :3
World building and such is a must, though. Better to have an idea of what you're doing before you tackle it, otherwise you'll never get off the ground. I learned that the hard way with a few projects.

And I think the scar is pretty awesome, for the record. It's certainly hardcore!

Comment ID 90087

[Art] The Last Dragon Slayer
Feb 24, 2016, 11:00:54 AM UTC on [Art] The Last Dragon Slayer
Awe- thank you <3

World building is a must, but I'm concerned right now about over developing and never actually MAKING the story. I was chatting to a few of my friends, and we decided I should write it all down and pass it by them, see if I need to flesh something out before I let the world form naturally on its own as I write. I get the idea, but free styling is better for characters to me... oh well. If I cover enough bases, hopefully some gaps in culture wont matter as much :/

I learnt the hard way too. Wrote my self into a few plot holes. That's what I'm worried about >.> Sometimes it's a case of not having a direction, letting it go where ever, and then realise that it was kind of a bad premise in the first place XD I have so many attempts on this story behind me :/ What I'd really like to do is redo PseudoDragon, and make it right this time. I created it to rehabilitate my hand after I tore my drawing thumb while drunk (omfg never again T.T ) so most of the beginning is crap, but in the later stuff, and sketch versions of the later pages, it was fleshing out to go somewhere good, but the writing before it was so poor I wanted to restart it [comic20] omfg I'm almost too embarrassed to link it I had no idea how to make speech bubbles or pace a story or anything back then T.T It's close to 10 years old now :< Oh well, we all start of crap at stuff... I've improved in comics since this comic, but I stopped making long comics after I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, cause I stopped selling at conventions. My last comic I sold I was so messed up from not being able to handle stress, that I drew the art without a script, and did all the text in post with no idea where I wanted the story to go [comic381] I actually really love the premise of Narcolepsy, and it has way better flow than PseudoDragon could've ever had at my skill level at the time, but I was super sick when I made it and it really shows T.T *drops head in shame* Not making that mistake ever again, but I do want to make long comics again. Maybe someday I'll work on Narcolepsy cause I did a lot of great character development on the main cast in that. They have strong themes that make them visually striking. I should redraw the characters now that I'm not wreaking my body and see how a healthy me draws them Smile One of them is themed off a white Raven, and one a Chinese crested dog Yeah- I'm actually really keen to do that TuT While I'm in the mood of developing old OCs of mine Big Smile

Sorry for the tl:dr. I really love my OCs, poorly formed, or poorly executed or not XD I have to stop being ashamed of my work in the past cause I was burning myself out badly, and it had to affect the quality of my work. I've learnt my lesson from that, so I'm excited what I can make when I treat my body right finally <3

Thank you Big Smile The scar is an old edition to Bryan's character design that isn't usually as pronounced, but I figured it fit for a villainous version of him Evil I'm glad you liked my design choices on him TuT


  • Feb 25, 2016, 2:21:22 AM UTC
    Over-developing really can be a problem ^^;; Especially when you get caught in this mindset that you want everything to be perfect before you launch. My husband grieverjoe grieverjoe has been wanting to do a comic for... uh... well he was planning it when I met him 15 years ago, and I'm not sure how long before that he started. He spent all that time working on fleshing out the world and things instead of working on the comic, but he finally started one last year and has been really happy with what he's learning from it. So the jumping in and just making it happen is really good, too! I intended to do some comics once upon a time, but I ultimately decided my stories worked better as written novels... though I've considered doing some AU comics with the same characters just for fun.

    And nooo, never be embarrassed to share old work! I'm going to read through both of them as soon as I have the time to do it, it's just been a really busy week for me so I've barely been at my computer, haha~ It's always amazing to see how an artist grows and develops skills, not just with art quality but in things like writing, too.

    And don't be sorry for the long explanation, either! I love hearing about the things people are passionate about, and people's creative endeavors are something I really feel like I can connect to and understand, because I've been there too ^^ Though I've had my starts and stops for different health reasons. I am really glad, though, that you've been able to return to art, because I've really enjoyed seeing your work! <3
    • Mar 3, 2016, 11:50:13 PM UTC
      Yeah. I've been writing my story... IT has 10 or more versions by now so I've done some natural development and I see the appeal of just doing it. IT makes improvements more natural and simpler to explain. I'm always fighting to simplify the reasons for things happening, which leads to interesting character changes. I always get stuck in my writing thoguh, cause I dont' have a path for my story to go. You can do a lot of things on the fly as you write, but you MUST have a beginning, middle and end. I have... part of an end, and some milestones. It's not enough. If I had a beginning middle and end, I know I could write it. Every time I knew what I was doing, words flowed.

      Dont' get me wrong! IF I was embarrassed, I'd take them down XD I just wanted it to be clear that I was very sick when I made them, and it's not a representation of me as a writer now, and some are very old. I've been on Paperdemon since the early days (I am member number 52 Big Smile In comparison, you're member 10277) so I've cleaned my gallery out a lot, but not my comics.

      I'm glad I can talk art stuff with you Smile I really enjoy talking art, and I never seem to exhaust my need to chat about it, so I'm gladd that you're someone I can talk about it with Big Smile Returnign to art is hard, but I'm giving it my best go I can Big Smile And thank you- It's really cool to know I make people happy with my art TuT My art ego is a bit.... needing pampering at the moment XD I'm sure I'll return to full force soon though Smile I just need to settle into my new flat finally Big Smile
      • Mar 4, 2016, 3:57:27 PM UTC
        Ohhh yes... not knowing the start and stop points. I know that problem all too well, it's killed enough of my own stories for me to be quite familiar with it. Unfortunately it sometimes takes a long, LONG time before it comes together enough for everything to work out on paper. For me, that was 15 years for my "big" story. >_< But trying over and over and seeing the story take a different path each time certainly let me explore more facets of the world I was creating, and while I didn't use everything in that book, it's set me up pretty well to write a whole lot more later with other characters.

        I understand that too; I used to share a lot of my work in various places online and while I see no need to remove any of it that's still up, I do look back and laugh sometimes. It's amazing how much stuff changes as YOU change. You learn more, tastes evolve, and it's sometimes interesting to go back and see how differently you would have done old projects with the knowledge you now have. I keep a big box of old art and writing for that reason, so I can look through it sometimes and think. Sometimes some of my best new ideas come from doing just that ^_^

        I'm glad I can talk with you, too! I've always had a hard time finding people I can talk to about the stuff I'm interested in, so it's really exciting to find folks with mutual interests. :3 And yes, getting back to art is SO HARD, but it'll be worth it--just be careful not to burn yourself out!
        • Mar 6, 2016, 10:49:49 AM UTC
          Oh- I have 100 leaf clear files for my art XD I have 11 of them so far, plus smaller ones for projects, NSFW, and comics I'm making /made. My super old stuff I did in my school books are still intact, but I keep even scrap doodles. I often do draw it again memes to relive old ideas Big Smile They're fun

          Oh man- the first version of Dragon Twins (the story this character came from) was 12 pages long, about a guy going to defeat a dragon with a bucket of water, finding out it was his brother. IT's not much, but the story has grown SO MUCH since that first draft!

          I'm not burning myself out! The worst I'll do is get tired, and not restart after a break. My stamina is increasing which is good. When my foot finally heals, I hope to start getting into some serious study. It's pretty distracting having a swollen foot >.<
          • Mar 13, 2016, 1:52:46 AM UTC
            I don't think I have that much but I do have a shoebox filled with stuff ^^ I did a draw it again meme like a year or two ago for the first time and it was so much fun! I should upload it. >.> And do more.

            I know what you mean about stories changing. The novel trilogy I'm trying to finish (working on book 3 right now...) came from a short story where a random NPC-type person who was supposed to die ended up becoming the main character. Stories just have their own ideas sometimes... XD

            What happened to your foot? D:
            • Mar 14, 2016, 9:34:25 PM UTC
              My foot? I actually don't know. I'm suspecting that it's an emotional reaction.

              The day before I got it, I had an argument with my father about my mother who was in a horrific car accident before Christmas and nearly died, where I couldn't stop crying till I took a medicine that I take for stress related symptoms (I have adrenal fatigue so I can't handle stress past normal everyday challenges), and felt exhausted for the rest of the day. When to the Chinese lantern festival, but I didn't eat anything weird there for once- I just walked around till I was too exhausted and went home. The next day though, I got my once monthly nearly 2 weeks early, couldn't walk on my left foot and it was a balloon, and I was feeling incredibly miserable with myself.

              My homeopath is treating me with "Oophorinum", a homeopathic medicine used for endometriosis. I use to have endo cause of my adrenal fatigue- the two go hand in hand apparently, but with her treatment I went from needing extreme western medications to mask the pain which didn't work, to pain and PMS free. Last month was the worst period I've had it in a long while though, so obviously there's still an underline issue going on that links my left foot to emotional pain. Specifically the pain of loss. My mother's car accident has been a big drain on me, and I'm handling it really well considering how I use to be, but obviously my body can't process some emotions well yet, and this one seems to be linked to some deep rooted anxieties I have or something cause she's taking it very seriously.

              The simple answer is, I don't understand what is wrong with me. What ever it is, its not life threatening, and its only in one foot. It's not an injury, cause there's no bruising- just inflammation of my soft tissue. It's not a blood clot, or my heart cause she has tested my pulse and seen the foot and everything is normal. It seems to be a full body reaction to the incident on that Friday before the lantern festival. Luckily, I pay for someone that understands what my nervous system is doing so I don't need to understand Smile Homeopathy works by symptoms and characteristics of the patient, so it's not like western medicine where I can say that I'm taking a medicine to stop one thing. I have a medicine that I can use for treating arthritis, that I can also use for fevers, and to remove swelling from food reactions. I use medicine that has tuberculosis to cure a runny nose, and I can use arsenic to fix appendicitis. I don't get it, and I've stopped trying to get it XD All I know is that it works, and I'm getting side effect free results fast, and stuff gets permanently cured. I haven't had a real cold in years, when I use to constantly have colds, I have a higher standard of good health than most of my friends, and I healed from my surgeries super well. I can't judge it :/

              Sorry for the text wall. My health brings up a lot of feels ^^;