Comment 87552

Comment ID 87552

[Art] Moment's Respite WIP 08
Jul 15, 2012, 9:59:01 PM UTC on [Art] Moment's Respite WIP 08
Oh this looks really cool with allo the details. No I don't think you could/should fix here really.
I see some perspective issues like some contraversion between the stairs and the door behind, and I would suggest to use thinner lines next time with things in the bg, and thicker for foreground things to have a more solid feeling of space but these are relly minor things.
This looks good already.
Yeah i was wondering about colours but in fact I do like already and don't neccesarely suggest to colour. only if you can strenghten it. Like using a certain light scheme to express mood or weather and not just generic colours.
That's my thought at least. ^^
Anyway great job, I'm glad you finished it eventually =D


  • Jul 16, 2012, 4:27:14 AM UTC
    I think I'm gonna color it -- it's my goal to anyway. It'll probably be mostly flat color with lighting going on with it. I'll probably experiment a lot.
    :3 And thanks so much for the vote of confidence!
    I can see your point with the lines. I can go in there and fix it pretty easily (yay for about 30 layers of line art! @_@)
    • Jul 19, 2012, 6:29:34 PM UTC
      Allright then, looking forward to see.
      Actually what you say about light colours sounds really nice, i haven't thought about that option but it usually does work well with linearts that are detailed so they don't "overcome" on it.
      Haha okay (woah, that's a LOT for juts a lineart XD)
      • Jul 19, 2012, 8:06:07 PM UTC
        It made it easier to adjust things, hence why there's so many.

        And expect an update by this time next week!