Comment 84987

Comment ID 84987

[Art] Flizzard head in clay
Jun 1, 2011, 12:41:30 AM UTC on [Art] Flizzard head in clay
Awe- it's lovely even without it's paint ^^ There's such a realism in it's scales <3 Is this a shape you do often? Or is he off a reference?


  • Jun 1, 2011, 4:03:36 PM UTC
    He is the first dragon I've done in this "realistic" style. I used live lizards as reference, and made up the rest!
    Since I sculpted him I have done one other dragon like this; a smaller version.
    Thank you so much for the comment!
    • Jun 4, 2011, 3:13:14 AM UTC
      Oh- I see Smile I guess then you're very familiar with the lizards form then and only need a reference for a reminder. I'd love to see one of these IRL ^^ I'm kinda on the other side of the world though T.T *sighs* One day I'll go to America with a check list of people to meet and art to see >.<