Comment 83301

Comment ID 83301

[Art] A stupid  pervy doodle...
Nov 24, 2010, 3:18:53 PM UTC on [Art] A stupid pervy doodle...
That is actually pretty funny to me. XD
Even though I am guessing it was a doodle at 5am in the morning, it is still pretty cute. Wink

As for the mature thing, Umm, even I am not sure? o_O?
It reminds me of being more PG-13, more so then rated M, since I am pretty sure more 'mature' content probably would have nudity, not implied?

I have no clue. XD

Anyhow, nice drawing even for a 5am doodle. Wink


  • Nov 28, 2010, 1:43:19 AM UTC
    Thanks. :]
    Glad I wasn't the only one to find it amusing.

    That's what I think too, but I've seen art with mature tags that had nothing showing... or implied for that matter.

    Compared to some of the things I put on paper that time of night this might as well be a da Vinci. XD
    • Nov 28, 2010, 4:30:39 PM UTC

      Behold the da Vinci, a once in a life time master piece of humor thanks to lack of sleep. Wink

      I just know when ever I draw stuff really late at night, either the poses are really awesome or it is something I stare at the next morning going: "...what did my imagination create..."