Comment 82419

Parent Comment

Jun 30, 2010, 2:51:18 PM UTC
It looks so dark and yet it seems to be a fit background for their romance. I like the way you drew and shaded the hair, it catches the light very well. Naraku just looks evil, sadistic, and creepy as usual. ^-^ But that's just him. Kikyo has a very odd expression, especially since she is looking at Naraku. It seems as if she's either regretting her decision or maybe that's just Kikyo for you right their. Just her placid face as we always see it. Great work on this, I really like it. Smile

Comment ID 82419

[Art] IY - Our Sick Revenge
Jul 1, 2010, 12:25:16 PM UTC on [Art] IY - Our Sick Revenge
thank you!
