Comment 82155

Comment ID 82155

[Art] Concept Art WIP2
May 20, 2010, 4:36:17 AM UTC on [Art] Concept Art WIP2
I'd suggest getting some photo references, or knocking out a few hills. They're a bit repetitious. Atmospheric distortion is sky coloured, so most of the time it's light blue if that helps. I'm still new to landscapes myself though. References is a good idea if you're unsure though Smile


  • May 20, 2010, 5:54:11 AM UTC
    It's on a desert planet, so a wanted to use a warmer color, since blue would make it feel cooler than it really is.
    • May 23, 2010, 11:54:13 PM UTC
      There's ways of do it with it looking warm. The stuff in the distances could have a purple hue instead to warm it up, but it'd still be blue cause oxygen reflects blue. <- check out some google images. it'll give a better idea about how the colours shift in the distance. Unless the sky isn't blue for some reason, or there is more light coming from another light source that cancels it out. Of course, artistic licence comes into it too so it's up to you Smile