Comment 8199

Parent Comment

Jul 16, 2005, 8:14:22 AM UTC
This looks wonderful Vega! I absolutely adore her red hair! ^_^ This art style must run in the family because it reminds me of the same style your sister has. So, naturally, it looks awesome. The only thing I can suggest is to maybe practice on her jaw line a bit. Jaw lines are really hard to draw on anime characters because of the difficult angles of them sometimes. Other than that, this looks fantastic. You have her proportions looking really good and the coloring is awesome. The point is that you are trying and with enough practice, you will go far. Keep up the great work and thank you so much for sharing your lovely drawings with the rest of us. ^_^

Comment ID 8199

[Art] Neo-Warrior Chick ^_^
Jul 16, 2005, 12:07:04 PM UTC on [Art] Neo-Warrior Chick ^_^
Thank You! I think that the jawline is what I like least in all, but I'm workin' on it. (Notice the RED hair? Yay!) Her face is off because I tried to darken it with a deeper skin tone, but it's an encouraging sketch. Hands and Feet!
Gah, they are difficult, but it's so fun!
Thanks for the encouragement!


  • Jul 16, 2005, 4:31:17 PM UTC
    Laughing I did notice the red hair and I loved it! ^_^ Like I said before, there is not enough red-headed characters out there. I think you and I are well on our way to changing that. Laughing I have the hardest time drawing the jawline of Inuyasha. He has a squared off jaw and the angle is so dang hard to get right. I hate drawing his jaw. Annoyed But I keep trying and that is what is going to ultimately help me get better. You are doing so very well. I am quite impressed with your skill, but I figured that you had to be pretty good considering who your sis is. ^_^ Yeah, I am trying to get the hang of those pesky hands and feet. *sigh* I am getting pretty good at drawing hands, it is just the feet that I am still having so many problems with. I think, ultimately, I will draw my characters without any feet. Laughing Keep up the great work. I am enjoying seeing your pics.
    • Jul 16, 2005, 10:17:49 PM UTC
      Thank You so Much! I love the red and wild hair, It's so cool! Inu-Yasha is really hard to draw, but pull him and Sesshomaru off perfectly. *Show me Your ways, Great one!* Hands are fun, but feet are too smelly to study closely for too long(Mine are, anyway). We're all getting alot better, as we draw more. That's alot of why I draw. Thanks for the time and attention You show us all!