Comment 73695

Parent Comment

Oct 22, 2008, 7:44:22 PM UTC
Big Smile My gallery dont got too much comments, but i'm really grateful for your words! HeartHeartHeart

Thank you so much!!!!!!! Dance

Comment ID 73695

[Art] [RP] Alexea
Oct 22, 2008, 7:55:14 PM UTC on [Art] [RP] Alexea
I'm happy to give you my words! Grin I have a lot of them.

As for comments - my only suggestion is you get out there and comments on as many other people's artworks as you can manage, if you have the time to explore. That's the best way to get noticed here when you're relatively new. Also, don't post a whole bunch of new pieces at once. If you want from page exposure, post one piece and leave it up until it's gone from the front page, then post the next, and so on.

Anyway - that's just my pointers. I hope you are still having fun in the community!


  • Oct 22, 2008, 7:59:24 PM UTC
    Big Smile They're indeed good suggestions and i'll try to follow them!

    I'm enjoying too much PD, and i hope stay here for a long time! Heart