Comment 70542

Parent Comment

Jul 1, 2008, 10:01:31 PM UTC
Thanks. Yeah Gawen has one blue eye and one green. Earth & Sky, Fire for his hair and his personality is Air. All for elements. He's unique. Calum is interesting. He's insanely powerful mage but also incredibly emotionally vulnerable. Equal measures of Power and weakness. The ones with the triangles on their forheads are a "triad" (A threesome). The Healer, The Drow seer and the mage. It takes two people to keep Calum from "losing it" sometimes. ^_^ Rocky is the healer and also Calum's younger brother. It's kind of hard to describe in a little reply box all the angles on these six. ^_^ Calum has a twin sister who is Tavhar's (the Blind Guy, upper middle) mate.

Comment ID 70542

[Art] The "Six"
Jul 1, 2008, 11:35:56 PM UTC on [Art] The "Six"
Wow. You really thought a lot about this, didn't you? I like that, haha. Randomly created characters without much thought to them are kind of uninteresting. They're just pretty to look at, you know?
Haha, Gawen sounds really awesome. I love how you've used the elements to create him. "His personality is Air". Which means he's flexible, is good with languages and so on, yes?
Calum sounds pretty interesting too.

I want to see more art of them! Tongue *orders* (Just kidding ;D)


  • Jul 2, 2008, 7:07:26 AM UTC
    Well there is a whole novel about them already (And several short stories) I just had never drawn them before.
    • Jul 2, 2008, 1:01:32 PM UTC
      Ah, I see.. Sounds interesting. Smile