Comment 61818

Parent Comment

Nov 11, 2007, 7:25:19 AM UTC
Again - Love your composition here, although I wish his nose weren't cut off. I suppose that was the scanner, though, and no fault of your own. You have the neck shape down perfectly - very graceful pose - and I love the colour you've chosen for the eyes. The only thing I think could really improve this piece would again be darker shadows. It is definitely a lovely drawing, though, despit its lightness. The scale detail on his wings really stands out.

Comment ID 61818

[Art] Armored Hawk
Nov 11, 2007, 8:30:10 AM UTC on [Art] Armored Hawk
Yeah, my scanner hates me. Same with my colored pencils. They don't like to darken shadows for me. And thank you Big Smile


  • Nov 11, 2007, 8:36:07 AM UTC
    If you can get your hands on some black construction paper, it might be a fun idea for you to use your coloured pencils on those - the ide is to work in reverse - colour the highlights and put less tint on the shadows. It's amazingly fun!

    You probably already do this, but normally layering of colour on colour with pencilcrayons will help brings out shadows as well. I like to use Blues, purples, and greens for my coloured pencil shadows, but everyone has a different technique.
    • Nov 11, 2007, 8:48:02 AM UTC
      Actually, no, I don't use layers normally. I never tried using color on color shadowing, but I have consindered using it sometimes. Thank you very much for the tips ^^