Comment 58755

Comment ID 58755

[Art] Fathomless Blue.
Sep 21, 2007, 9:16:36 PM UTC on [Art] Fathomless Blue.
At first I was confused, until I read the description. That's a really cool idea! I love how you made the bangs transparent, yet substantial enough to be what they are. Great detail work in this... the bird, the sun poking through, the leaves, the fruit, the cloudshapes in the background.
I like the shading, it's interestingly done and has a really nice feeling to it. Corky Smile


  • Sep 21, 2007, 10:32:01 PM UTC
    Yeah It was a very clear idea in my mind but I don't think I executed it exactly right. :\ hahah I'd like what's going on in it to be obvious without the description but it didn't end up that way.. Ah well. XD Thank you so much!! I'm happy you like so many things about it! *flattered* ^___^ I love Riku and Sora so much. I really need to do more art of them... It's been too long. <333
    • Sep 22, 2007, 8:38:51 AM UTC
      I think part of the reason it wasn't obvious to me is because I've never seen this kind of idea done... which means you have a unique and innovative piece, on the bright side.
      I'm not sure how to make it more obvious, but I really do like the effect. Corky Smile
      • Sep 22, 2007, 8:45:37 AM UTC
        Ah~! Thank you again! *blushing* I was thinking to add more of Riku's hair around the periphery would help the effect. Perhaps I'll play around with it. XD You are so sweet to give me so many compliments! <3