Comment 56089

Parent Comment

Aug 25, 2007, 4:48:29 PM UTC
Ahhh- you're photographing the pics? Huh? What you're bet to do then is put the camera on a tripod and timer and do it that way. If you don't like the colour, a program like photo shop can take the bronze hue off it, or you could find another place to take the photo. This was probably done under a light bulb cause it's very golden. Try waiting for day time and an overcast day, and take the photo outside in the light. It'll have a slight blue tinge, but thats ok. It's not over powering ^^ Fluros make a greenish tinge, and lightbulbs tend to be yellow (unless they're *coloured* bulbs ^^

Resting your camera on something solid, or a tripod is a must. No flash (which you haven't used) and use a timer so you can focus the pic, take it without getting the shudder of your finger coming off to blur it.

That's my suggestion for "scanning" your art Smile Or you could loot a bed scanner off someone ^^ Then it comes out right all the time Big Smile

Comment ID 56089

[Art] RIP
Aug 25, 2007, 10:43:15 PM UTC on [Art] RIP
Thanks =]. I didn't have a tripod at the time, though I could have just found a stable surface... to be completely honest, I was impatient. I'd been wanting to get them online for a long time, and my scanner's been broken for a while, so at last I just nabbed my mom's camera and took the photos.

I would fiddle with the colors in photoshop, and I tried a little, but I decided it looked fine both ways. Someone even pointed out that it looked a little like stage lights... It'd probably be better to use the actual coloring, but I decided to just not fiddle with this one.

Again, thank you very much for the comment. Next time I have to photograph my art, I'll keep your tips in mind! I'm thankful that you took the time to tell me what you thought.
