Comment 55951

Parent Comment

Aug 25, 2007, 10:46:46 AM UTC
I saw this on the front page and thought it look like your style...only a girl. And then I saw it *was* you and was like, "HOMG!!! SHE DREW ANGELA!"

And I was right. ^_^ I love how you drew her hair. Also you captured her trademark smirk very well.

(You should draw girls more). Heart I love it.

Comment ID 55951

[Art] Angela
Aug 25, 2007, 11:46:07 AM UTC on [Art] Angela
I'm really glad you like it! I like it as well, but I thought you won't be as excited as I am about it because you give her... thinner, sharper facial features than I do. I tried my best, though, so I'm glad I got it right with the smirk. ^_^

And yes, you gave her very flowy-wooshy-wooshy hair, so I went wild with it.
I think I'm getting better at drawing girls. Big Smile


  • Aug 25, 2007, 3:10:43 PM UTC
    Yeah but that's my style. This is clearly your style and I really like the way she looks 'englized'. Her hair is the absolute funnest part of drawing her. ^_^ (I don't think 'funnest' is a proper word but whatever).